Hello all you lovely people. I want to start doing more blog homework so here we go! @missy @rambo
I actually draw my creative inspiration from a place moat wouldn’t think of. I draw my inspiration straight from my head while I’m at work during my busiest times. Crazy right?? I work in a warehouse, and depending on my tasks for the day, I am either up and moving , or sitting at a desk processing paperwork. In both cases, I have found that I create small ideas in my head that I will later turn into a bigger concept for most of my content. It has always been when I have the largest workload. I guess working hard just gets my creativeness cranking. I will then usually take my idea home, grab some yummy food, and scroll through Pinterest to help me bring my mental image to a real image.
For example, I came up with a great Cosplay project where I shoot a seasonal fairy for each season while I was running around the warehouse (not literally running. That’s pretty unsafe in a warehouse environment 😂) picking inventory like a madwoman trying to get all our orders for the day out. I came home that day, and looked through some Spring time color palettes to help me piece together my costume. Here is shot from the shoot my husband and I did for it! I hope to start on the other seasonal fairies, but not get to shoot all this year with all of life’s changes. (Being an adult is both great and financially draining lol)