wow! once again i'm going for long pewriods of times without typing stuff. well here i am again. life's been hectic, but not all together unruly. let's see, i've been working my ass off lately grabbing all the extra hours i can at work, starting to be able to pay my rent when work says... sorry! no more extra hours to give! oh well, atleast they were nice about it. someone's been coming on my porch and stealing stuff off of it ( my fault for not nailing it down). nothin' really major but it's alittle discouraging to find all your stuff rifflfed through and all your cigs gone... yes my mother fuckin' cigs! first you piss me off, but i can't even have nicotine once i realize i've been burgled? i tell ya, what kind of world, what kind of world? good news is they left my bike and the weed wacker! guess they didn't want to carry them down the 56 steps or thru the yard jungle. carmen, my lady, quit her job and started grad school. she's working so hard, busting her ass for a better future... i'm so proud of her! she's also working at the tattoo shop more...somthing she loves. she even still doing roller derby! in fact on june 24th we were in knoxville tn for a bout against the hard knox roller girls. she was finishing a paper in the hotel before the bout. then birmingham beat knoxville! yeah! anyway our 2 roomate left us on our last month in the house. we are looking at homewood and checking out some places this thursday. let's see!? oh! i reading the last unicorn... AWSOME! and!!!!! I GOT MY FIRST TATOO! The tri-force on my right shoulder. ok, i swear 'll type more but now i'm being tepted by my sexy girlfriend with a trip to the cofee shop... her treat... atleast i hope so! COME SEE MY AT hOT tOPIC this weekend! i'm bored!!!!
More Blogs
Friday Oct 19, 2007
hey, it's been a while, but i am back... sorry if you missed me! i… -
Sunday Sep 30, 2007
ok! so the assistant manager thing is fun... well as fun as that can … -
Monday Sep 24, 2007
fuck yeah! i am totally assistant manager now! more money and more h… -
Monday Sep 24, 2007
real quick. put a battery in my car! felt like a real man!! of cours… -
Monday Sep 17, 2007
life is crazy, work, reading, videogames! finished the dark taoer se… -
Sunday Sep 02, 2007
ok! real quick! cave9 is haveing a thing today... sunday the 2nd. al… -
Thursday Aug 30, 2007
hey everyone! ok nothing really exciting is happening, but things ar… -
Monday Aug 27, 2007
alright@! the bout was yesterday and birmingham desimated the panama… -
Thursday Aug 23, 2007
ok, here i am again! still unpacking and doing laundry mostly. ther… -
Wednesday Aug 08, 2007
man, why does it take me so long to pu new shit up on here? oh yeah. …