So, yeah.. I have alot of time to update. I'm stuck on the couch letting my knee heal and watching previews for "stick it" I learned that the actresses were over 18, so I don't feel bad. I just sigh when it comes on.

If it makes you feel any better, I got a good laugh out of your story, only because I do stoopid shit like that all the time, I can relate.
Well, pay good attention to your kitty, get better, watch your porn, get a good nap in, then get get up and do it all over again
If it makes you feel any better, I'm watching sumo wrestling, one guy just tackeled another guy and ended up with his ass right on the other guys face, wow. And all of his friends will see that little stunt he pulled there! Yay for emarassing moments!
Awww feel better soon!