I lied, but i diddn't mean to, I will update, but I'm just feeling good about stepping away from the computer for a while. She has me meeting her friends, and setting the myspace status to "In a relationship." among the other things that people do in the begining of a relationship .
i too, have been most distant from the computer becaaaaaaause...well - see my updates. it says it all. *grins like an idiot* !!!
I'm so happy for ya mister man. what a stud you are. hehehe.
So I just messaged Kari with the option of the three of us meeting up at veggie heavan sometime next week. You game?
oh...hold on...you're not in austin yet are you?! ahhhh! pthhhhhh! hehee...oh dear, and you now have a girl so that'll be motivation to STAY in sa....ohhhhhhh! hmm.
well well well. i'll just stop here, neh? hehehe xo. i was just aiming to arrange something as I move to austin in three and a half days! yea! alright, well have a kick ass day *smiles*