Otis 21:12 and the lord brought down th clippers of foolishness down upon otis, and said thou shall look like mo. People will see you as a stooge, and the bad haircut will be seen from under the cap.
No dates for me. I must have the worse haircut of all time. I look like a cross between mo, and the gay son from braveheart. I have a choice between wearing a cap for two months, or giving up on growing my hair out. Either way, i'm gonna find a gay guy to cut my hair. How come i don't take the good advice until too late?
P.S. I diddn't have my glasses on, i could see what she was doing. SHE EVEN CUT OFF MY SIDEBURNS!
After cooling off, i called the store and talked to the manager. She made me look less like a stooge or "kid" and gave me a few free haircut cupons. I lost two months of growth today.
No dates for me. I must have the worse haircut of all time. I look like a cross between mo, and the gay son from braveheart. I have a choice between wearing a cap for two months, or giving up on growing my hair out. Either way, i'm gonna find a gay guy to cut my hair. How come i don't take the good advice until too late?
P.S. I diddn't have my glasses on, i could see what she was doing. SHE EVEN CUT OFF MY SIDEBURNS!

After cooling off, i called the store and talked to the manager. She made me look less like a stooge or "kid" and gave me a few free haircut cupons. I lost two months of growth today.