Hrmmm I'm fucking bored
. Oh well. Almost all my friends are out of town this week, all but like one. I think I'm just gonna leave town as well for the hell of it. Maybe go to Seattle, but more than likley I will end up at Lake Chelan now that my board is all ready to go again. Fuck I wish I was good at wake boarding last weekend I was practicing doing tricks and I'm still fucking sore
Again, oh well. I can do tricks but I can't land a fucking thing so I guess that doesnt really count
I wanna go find a better cliff than the ones I know of. Even if they are smaller just the fact that It's new to me gives me a better rush than bigger ones I've been off all the time. I wanna do a 75ft cliff. I've done about 50 or 60 I think and that's the one I normally go to. Word of advice if people say it's shallow, don't think that you can jump farther than everyone else it hurts
So yeah this is just another entry that I'm doing ot procrastinate a bit more on what I should be doing but that's just how it goes. I hope everyone is having a good summer.
Quote of the day: Don't eat talking trees nope nope nope - Ducky in A Land Before Time

Quote of the day: Don't eat talking trees nope nope nope - Ducky in A Land Before Time
don't get me wrong, there's alot of stuff I love about Seattle. I've been to quite a few places but this is still probably one of the most beautiful. The city itself is just getting too played out, and alot of the people here kind of suck. Its home though and i can't leave it for long
damn, you're a sweetheart