Just did my first open mic night by myself with just me and a guitar. usually i play bass with my band. did 3 covers involving eliot smith, the pixies, and the violent femmes, then i went on to do 12 originals. the crowd was a mix review but i ended up meeting some kids that buaght me some drinks and shared insightful stories about, global warming, population control, and the idea that agriculture really is the worst invention of man......kinda generic subjects that every one these days are talking about but it entertained me and well its nice to have some new friends on the other side of the state. so right now i am content except for the fact that i need to be up in 2 hours for work.
More Blogs
Wednesday Jun 14, 2006
Read More -
Friday Jun 09, 2006
Deland tommorrow guys! if your in the area come on out to cafe da vin… -
Thursday Jun 08, 2006
I got a new fucking person on my shit list! He did the one thing no m… -
Tuesday Jun 06, 2006
Deland this weekend! all day at Cafe da vinci 17 bands $1pbr!........… -
Sunday Jun 04, 2006
New goal for the week...dont drive home drunk..... I am ripping mysel… -
Saturday Jun 03, 2006
Fuck Brevard!! Anyone else with me on this?! -
Friday Jun 02, 2006
Motha Fucking Social tonight....Come the fuck out! -
Wednesday May 31, 2006
Had a good time at the dog and bone only to be ruined by an hour long… -
Monday May 29, 2006
Fuck! how does she do it to me? This girl, I try so hard to dissasoci… -
Saturday May 27, 2006
Birthday update......been legal for 52 hours been drunk for 47 ...i a…