I could use some feedback, from any one who actually reads this (if, indeed, any one does). This April 11th marks the three year anniversary of Kurt Vonnegut's death. Each year, I have written (for my own enjoyment, and in honor of my personal hero) a short story that serves as an homage to the late author. I try my best to write them in...
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Oy... So I figured I'd put my health at the top of my priorities and finally quit smoking. Went out and bought some patches today. I don't know if any one out there has bought any of these things before, but they seem every bit as volatile as smoking itself (the number of times they had to warn me to dispose of each patch as...
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i liked reading your profile. you seem really amazing, let's stay in touch?
maybe i can learn some things from you, then.
Recent Happenings
I'm not sure any one actually follows these posts, but in the off chance any one is bored and comes across this... Well, it's a little light reading to pass the time.
I am nearing the end of my time at my current university, with only two more months until graduation. Right now, we are filming our final project (our thesis, I suppose....
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I'm not sure any one actually follows these posts, but in the off chance any one is bored and comes across this... Well, it's a little light reading to pass the time.
I am nearing the end of my time at my current university, with only two more months until graduation. Right now, we are filming our final project (our thesis, I suppose....
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Dude. I like you.
Nice blog.
I'm an aspiring author as well.
If you're ever in NYC I know a great Matzo Ball soup place.
That stuff's my favorite.
I just bought "Breakfast of Champions" yesterday afternoon.
Nice blog.
I'm an aspiring author as well.
If you're ever in NYC I know a great Matzo Ball soup place.
That stuff's my favorite.
I just bought "Breakfast of Champions" yesterday afternoon.
Nice to kinda-sorta meet you, Chief.
New York seems like a great place for Matzo Ball soup. Ha ha.
Been thinking about going out to NYC for a loooooong time. I've def gotta get a job that'll make living there possible, though. As much as I dislike Florida (it's not bad, just not my kinda place) I do approve of the costs of living -- comparatively, of course.
Can't go wrong with "Breakfast of Champions", man. Have you gotten to read the two books his estate recently published? If not... Oh, mamma... you've got to.
New York seems like a great place for Matzo Ball soup. Ha ha.
Been thinking about going out to NYC for a loooooong time. I've def gotta get a job that'll make living there possible, though. As much as I dislike Florida (it's not bad, just not my kinda place) I do approve of the costs of living -- comparatively, of course.
Can't go wrong with "Breakfast of Champions", man. Have you gotten to read the two books his estate recently published? If not... Oh, mamma... you've got to.
"Maxwell and The Piecemeal Rooster"
Maxwell sat with his back against the eastern wall of his living room. In his lap sat pieces of metal and other piecemeal trinkets, scattered and varied, and he attempted to arrange them in a meaningful way. He told himself he was working on something important, but really he was just tinkering. All he did these days was tinker. It...
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Maxwell sat with his back against the eastern wall of his living room. In his lap sat pieces of metal and other piecemeal trinkets, scattered and varied, and he attempted to arrange them in a meaningful way. He told himself he was working on something important, but really he was just tinkering. All he did these days was tinker. It...
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Well right now I can't actually tell how bad the scars are because I just took the piercing out yesterday. It was super red, itchy, hurting, etc. I'll probably need to wait a week or so until the irritation goes down to see how the scar tissue will look.
I like the story about the rooster, by the way. It's sad, but strangely heartwarming at the same time.
I like the story about the rooster, by the way. It's sad, but strangely heartwarming at the same time.
Yeouch. Bummer about the piercing, man. Here's hoping it gets manageable.
Thanks for the kind words on the story, too.
Thanks for the kind words on the story, too.
And once more, not much is going on. But I like to write, even if only a short little blurb about life every so often. Activity is like bran for my brain: It keeps things regular.
My screenwriting class proposal did not go so well. Sparing details, the guy I met with just didn't get it. I also believe by the time the meeting took...
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My screenwriting class proposal did not go so well. Sparing details, the guy I met with just didn't get it. I also believe by the time the meeting took...
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I thought your profile picture was funny.
Hello and cheers! Your comment on being newly single seriously cracked me up so I thought i'd friend request you so I can catch any more good things you might have to say.
But you're a Vonnegut fan and an aspiring screen writer as well so bonus! Great profile pic as well.
But you're a Vonnegut fan and an aspiring screen writer as well so bonus! Great profile pic as well.
Not much going on. Stuck in my Computer Internet Science class, learning about hubs and such. Only two more months until we get into the classes that actually teach us about filmmaking. Damn political science classes -- waste my tuition, will you?
Though when it comes to learning, nothing's really a waste. But I digress.
No word yet on a set date for my proposition...
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Though when it comes to learning, nothing's really a waste. But I digress.
No word yet on a set date for my proposition...
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True story. Too bad about all the expense. I get a lot of shit about my degree area because it isn't Science(!).
You're writing a screenplay? I'm intrigued.
Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my Member Review set 'Entrepreneur', Darling. I'm glad that you liked it!
It's greatly appreciated.
It is my first attempt at a self-shot set, I agree that I have things that I can learn from it. All feedback is welcome.
Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my Member Review set 'Entrepreneur', Darling. I'm glad that you liked it!
It's greatly appreciated.
It is my first attempt at a self-shot set, I agree that I have things that I can learn from it. All feedback is welcome.

I still don't know who I am going to vote for*. I liked to think that I'd have made up my mind by this point, but...
There isn't anything, no quality what-so-ever, to either of the candidates that inspires any optimism or excitement in me. On one hand, we have McCaine, who purportedly isn't "Republican" enough for the Right. His history as a war vet...
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There isn't anything, no quality what-so-ever, to either of the candidates that inspires any optimism or excitement in me. On one hand, we have McCaine, who purportedly isn't "Republican" enough for the Right. His history as a war vet...
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however, this country was built by (and mainly consists of) the men and women in the middle -- neither rich, nor poor.
You need to take some history lessons.
Not that any one reads this, but I've gotta get the word out.
So the film school I attend has been in need of a solid, thorough screenwriting class. Thing is, the school spends more time on the "technical" aspects of the business and art (camera, sound, etc).
The other day I was feeling quite brazen, so I shot off an email to the head...
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So the film school I attend has been in need of a solid, thorough screenwriting class. Thing is, the school spends more time on the "technical" aspects of the business and art (camera, sound, etc).
The other day I was feeling quite brazen, so I shot off an email to the head...
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Wow that's pretty cool Good Luck!
dont worry, he knows how lucky he is 

Don't be fooled; I actually have the cap on, not some cap shaped freak head.
Pics of me, some with PhotoBooth filters.
"Take another hit, Marsh. 'An apple a day', or so they say". Her words soothed their way into Marshall's ears, their unintended sultriness worked their magic.
It had been one of those days for, what three months now? He wasn't a user on any ordinary day. He also didn't spend time with most people on any ordinary day. Comfort was in his own head, where...
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It had been one of those days for, what three months now? He wasn't a user on any ordinary day. He also didn't spend time with most people on any ordinary day. Comfort was in his own head, where...
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Cool profile pics!

thank you verry much 

It also reminds me of a short story that I totally can't remember the name of now.