So, I had an interesting evening last night. I went out with my friend Tiff and her married step brother. He brought his his new girlfriend. You better belive I gave them some serious shit. I asked him why he was still with his wife and said " and dont say its because you love her, because if you did you would'nt be fucking that girl. " Needless to say he was terribly uncomfortable, but that's not my problem. See, I've always been the type of person to speak my mind and I don't give a shit if people like it or not. James knows that about me so I'm sure he knew it was coming. People either love that or hate that about me. Anyway, Tiff got completly drunk and was hitting on me like mad! Telling me she loved me, and when my husband called she was asking him if she could sleep with me. James was freaking out on me trying to get me to take her home and do her. god damn he's a peice of shit. So that's a small portion of my night. How was yours??
oh, and btw, honesty and calling people on their shit is awesome. guys like that suck big time. i never understood why those types of people can't just be honest to their partners than trying to hurt them in the end. too much fucking drama....
keep on speaking up!