I went bowling last night until 2am. I walked in and was surrounded by fifteen year old kids. Man I felt old. I think my friends and I were the oldest people playing, besides the parents who brought their kids. Kinda made me sad. But I still had fun. I have'nt gone in like six years. I was never any good at all, but I bowled a 127. Not that great, but it's the best I've ever done. I can't wait to go again.Weeeeeeeee

My friend and I went bowling for the first time about 1.5 years ago. We both got 220's the first time out. After that we were instant pros. I havent gone in a while though. Too damn expensive in NY.
Do you really stand on your head???
EDIT:Your new picture is purdy! And you're looking for a woman for booty. Hmmmm....
[Edited on Nov 28, 2004 8:20PM]