Saturday Jun 25, 2005 Jun 25, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email so i'm going to the Pride Parade in SF tomorrow with some friends... never been before... i'm pretty excited should be fun... so, are any of you lovely people going? VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS aj_paradiselost: You are pretty as hell babe, I totally dug your pics. Your eyes are bright. That says that you are full of life and alot of fun. Stay fearless, that is all of the fucking power in the world........L8er......aj Jul 5, 2005 jinxi: Happy Thursday to you, beautiful!!! Hope your Friday and weekend include lots of fun!! Kisses and Winx from Jinxi Jul 7, 2005
Hope your Friday and weekend include lots of fun!!
Kisses and Winx from Jinxi