I like these. I like reading these things about the people on here. It's these little things that paint a more clear picture of people.
1) Can't stand chewing sounds. It drives me nuts. And goes back all the way to when I was a kid. Don't rightly know why, the sound just bothers me. If I'm eating then I can't hear other people eating. Otherwise I get very annoyed. I don't get mad at people cause it's not their fault it's mine and something I have to deal with. I grew up in a family of loud chewers. And not just that but chewing with their mouths open, to this day I don't understand how the food doesn't just fall out.
2) I'm color blind. About two thirds of men have varying degree of color blindness. Being color blind does not mean that you see no colors, although there are a few people like that. It mostly means you have a difficult time distinguishing colors. I have problems with lots of colors looking very similar. I get red and green mixed up. So on traffic lights I just have to remember the light sequence. And there are days when my red and blue rods get blown and all I see all day is green. It's pretty freaky but I'm use to it.
3) I had long hair for about 16 yes of my life. And I mean long, like down to my ass. I loved it. It was a lot of fucken work to maintain and can sometimes be a real bitch to sleep with. Always found a way to pull my hair while I was sleeping. Got it cut when I turned 30, mostly because it was too much of a hassle to maintain and I didn't need to hide behind my hair anymore.
4) I'm lactose intolerant. It sucks because I love dairy and all the goodness that comes from it. Sometimes I say fuck it and eat something I love only to pay a horrible price later.
5) I'm a neat freak. I like my shit to be clean and organized. I have no problem with other people's messes. So if I go to your house and it's a pig sty, I'll say nothing because it's none of my fucking business how anyone else wants to live.
6) I love beer. I think it has health benefits so I drink 2 a day. I call it my medicine. The most I'll drink is 4, I have no interest in drinking more than that.
7) I have interest in everything. This makes it possible for me to be friends with anyone. Every single person on this planet loves to talk about the things that interest them. And I love to listen and ask questions about those things. I think we can all tell when someone is feigning interest. Mine is genuine.
8) I hate wearing shoes. And when I do, I can't wait to take them off. But I always wear socks, I don't like the way any fabric feels as it glides along my feet. Stationary fabric is fine, as soon as my socks start to move I feel uncomfortable.
9) I am hyper aware of everything around me. And yes it can be annoying at times. At parties I can follow several conversations at once.
10) I made it to 10. I'm an optimist and a realist. I don't necessarily refuse to see the bad, it's just if all things being equal, then I choose to see the good.