Never understood why people pick New Years Resolutions that they won't go through on. Why not simply pick something that you might want to do anyway. 2Yrs ago mine was, try a new restaurant once a week. This year and last, it is try new beers. I photograph each one i try and this is a collage of the ones I've tried in the past year. This one is easy to do as i am always finding new beers to try. There is an insane amount of beer variety in the States and i think Colorado has at least 140 breweries.
Thats alot of New Beer looks like an enjoyable Resolution
Can't drink Wine or Hard Liquor @tbars, so beers all i got to feel mellow. And @pheny all resolutions should be enjoyable. Don't know what person decided they need to be tough, much better to resolve to learn and try new things.