::Long sigh:: I am not posting anymore. Just keeping quiet. Maybe to some of the private groups I'll post, but, um ,yeah, I totally fucked up this REALLY long post that I was ranting about over the weekend (some of you know which one, some of you don't).....I kept thinking I had cited all of my sources at the end of my EXTREMELY long post- I never claimed that what was written were words of my own, I was just moving soooooo quickly to respond to other posts, the night dragged on (I think I started this debate at like 9:30pm and didn't get off until...2am?) That's sick! It's the effin' internet. Well, anywho, I have been officially called out for moving to quickly through my posts and fucked up the source citing so....umm.....yeah....when I fuck up, I am the first person to admit it, so, I am admitting it. I am still pissed that I wasn't more careful and at times concise and even kept my thoughts organized. I just....well....WENT OFF! Anyway, yeah, that's all I got.....