I read too fast, sometimes....it can sometimes make me an ass hole.....new mantra: slow down, Ruca, Slooooow down.......
In other news...just thought I should say, for the record, I am NOT going to change my views on radical Islam, Sharia Law, what I like to call the "Middle East's Hypocrisy Complex", and/or the need for all who believe in Western civilization, freedom, perhaps even Judeo-Christian principals and all that is right in the world continue to push back against this ideology's viral sprawling. Believe what you want, but I would encourage you (er, all who come to my blog) to perhaps educate yourselves a little further on this eminent threat to our freedoms that we so quickly take for granted here in the states, and even in Europe. You may think I am crazy, batty, insane, should be committed, but my problem at this point is the burden of knowledge. I won't name the people here who have helped shed light on something that 2-3 years ago I would have dismissed as irrational, undiplomatic, or even paranoia, but I will give a hat tip to the select few of you have continued to put this issue at the forefront of all of the left-leaning issues/articles on the CE boards. Additionally, I do not, however, think that it is hypocritical for someone of my political leanings to subscribe to a site like SG. In fact, I wish that people would understand that while you may call yourself a conservative, there are many issues within that realm that you may also disagree with, and really nothing is ever just black or white. "So, why don't you just take the plunge and call yourself an independent, then?" may be the question du jour, for some of you. My answer is simply that I am too solid on some of the more important "conservative" issues, and maybe only take to a couple of liberal ones (i.e. our national security and the sanctity of our rights as US citizens rather than whether or not we are appeasing Europe in our efforts to be more like them
). This election is the most insane one, I believe, in out most recent history. Folks within my Grandparents generation have agreed with that, as well. There are SO many issues that are needing to be dealt with in a feverish, yet informed way in addition to the fact that we have a black man and white woman also running. It's NUTS!
Another thing that I need to address for a moment, if you will. I am not a racist JUST BECAUSE I am refusing to, and as a minority myself, vote for Barak Hussein Obama. In fact, let me let YOU in on a little lesser know "Ruca"-factoid: Had Colin Powell run for president, he'd have had my vote hook line and sinker. I could align myself with everything he stood for, his extensive military and political record were widely appealing, and I also believe that in my life time I/We SHOULD see a black president, as well as a female! I do not believe, however that Obama is ready for the job. In fact, someone called his record, and this cracked me up, but "Plain Jane". Another reason neither he nor Hilary have my support is due to the fact that they are serious about their wanting to have the US health care go socialized. MOST, if not everyone that comes to my page or has talked to me here knows my stance on universal health care. If you don't, well, there here goes nothin':
Basically, I see it going very badly. First - I used this on a board, but in an anecdotal
sense- consider the fact the IRS lost over 15,000 rebate checks within the first week,
before the ink was even dry on some of 'em! How the HELL are they gonna run our
health care system? Additionally, last year I believe it was, when congress returned
from a break, their first sessions were held over VERY nonsensical, unimportant issues,
like for instance, I think I remember something about a congressional flag football game?
That sounds more like a water cooler conversation than something I need to pay in my tax
dollars for someone's pay check. So, yeah, back to the original point. I believe that not only
will our tax dollars go up so that everyone can receive this "free" health care, but think about
everyone that will be jobless when the thought of paying the private companies becomes
less appealing to the general public. This is going to mean even higher taxes to cover the
ensuing unemployment and welfare. Just sayin' is all....
So yeah, if you are here @ my profile, and perhaps we haven't seen eye to eye on something, rather than shoving your Obamassiah rhetoric down my throat in a knee jerk reaction to something I may say, or in other words chastise me as a TROLL, would kindly please look into some of these OTHER issues that I am more concerned about? Thanks.....
In other news...just thought I should say, for the record, I am NOT going to change my views on radical Islam, Sharia Law, what I like to call the "Middle East's Hypocrisy Complex", and/or the need for all who believe in Western civilization, freedom, perhaps even Judeo-Christian principals and all that is right in the world continue to push back against this ideology's viral sprawling. Believe what you want, but I would encourage you (er, all who come to my blog) to perhaps educate yourselves a little further on this eminent threat to our freedoms that we so quickly take for granted here in the states, and even in Europe. You may think I am crazy, batty, insane, should be committed, but my problem at this point is the burden of knowledge. I won't name the people here who have helped shed light on something that 2-3 years ago I would have dismissed as irrational, undiplomatic, or even paranoia, but I will give a hat tip to the select few of you have continued to put this issue at the forefront of all of the left-leaning issues/articles on the CE boards. Additionally, I do not, however, think that it is hypocritical for someone of my political leanings to subscribe to a site like SG. In fact, I wish that people would understand that while you may call yourself a conservative, there are many issues within that realm that you may also disagree with, and really nothing is ever just black or white. "So, why don't you just take the plunge and call yourself an independent, then?" may be the question du jour, for some of you. My answer is simply that I am too solid on some of the more important "conservative" issues, and maybe only take to a couple of liberal ones (i.e. our national security and the sanctity of our rights as US citizens rather than whether or not we are appeasing Europe in our efforts to be more like them

Another thing that I need to address for a moment, if you will. I am not a racist JUST BECAUSE I am refusing to, and as a minority myself, vote for Barak Hussein Obama. In fact, let me let YOU in on a little lesser know "Ruca"-factoid: Had Colin Powell run for president, he'd have had my vote hook line and sinker. I could align myself with everything he stood for, his extensive military and political record were widely appealing, and I also believe that in my life time I/We SHOULD see a black president, as well as a female! I do not believe, however that Obama is ready for the job. In fact, someone called his record, and this cracked me up, but "Plain Jane". Another reason neither he nor Hilary have my support is due to the fact that they are serious about their wanting to have the US health care go socialized. MOST, if not everyone that comes to my page or has talked to me here knows my stance on universal health care. If you don't, well, there here goes nothin':
Basically, I see it going very badly. First - I used this on a board, but in an anecdotal
sense- consider the fact the IRS lost over 15,000 rebate checks within the first week,
before the ink was even dry on some of 'em! How the HELL are they gonna run our
health care system? Additionally, last year I believe it was, when congress returned
from a break, their first sessions were held over VERY nonsensical, unimportant issues,
like for instance, I think I remember something about a congressional flag football game?
That sounds more like a water cooler conversation than something I need to pay in my tax
dollars for someone's pay check. So, yeah, back to the original point. I believe that not only
will our tax dollars go up so that everyone can receive this "free" health care, but think about
everyone that will be jobless when the thought of paying the private companies becomes
less appealing to the general public. This is going to mean even higher taxes to cover the
ensuing unemployment and welfare. Just sayin' is all....

So yeah, if you are here @ my profile, and perhaps we haven't seen eye to eye on something, rather than shoving your Obamassiah rhetoric down my throat in a knee jerk reaction to something I may say, or in other words chastise me as a TROLL, would kindly please look into some of these OTHER issues that I am more concerned about? Thanks.....
Oh, and McCain murders little bunnies, and eats children.
If you are incapable of changing your opinion, well, fine.
If you are incapable of changing your opinion, but you still keep posting, you will find that the rest of the world calls you a troll; with justice.
I wouldn't know who's "informed" you about some relevant political issues. I could guess, but I don't care that much. You should be approaching their ideas* with an inquisitive and informed eye, and a thinking mind. At the moment, you do not seem to be.
*And mine.