OK, guyeeeeez, the newest installment of Urbancode is out. I fully expect everyone to dive into this one! So, if you've subscribed, check your inbox(es); if you have not, shoot an email over to my editor entitled "Hey! Add ME!" to urbancodemag@gmail.com This is a free subscription, we don't get paid, so just knowing you guys are reading it means the world to me (us). Thanks for the support!!!!!
I promise I'll have a juicier blog for you, ESPECIALLY after this coming weekend.....hell, it may even be a photo blog!!!!

I promise I'll have a juicier blog for you, ESPECIALLY after this coming weekend.....hell, it may even be a photo blog!!!!

Yeah...I get sick of hearing things like "Oh, you're a REPUBLICAN........" every time I dare say something as simple as "I think men in general are pretty cool...." (as opposed to all sexist, drooling, fuckheads).
At this point I am not a democrat or a republican, seeing how neitehr party seems to stick with their "platform". I guess I am just an "involved" issue voter, like so many others?