Anyone wanna buy me the new Alkaline Trio c.d.? I hear it's pretty great.
I wish that there was something to report, but honestly, things are pretty much on the mellow at the mo. I can say, though that it is nice to be back. I have an outlet again, sort of. The only thing keeping me from frequenting this place more than I have the chance to is the fact that we don't have the internet, or -gasp
- even T.V. yet. I really want to use this as a tool to hone my writing skills a little. I mean, yeah, I know, going back to school, which I am planning on doing this summer, would help with aiding that little dept. Also, however, I want to write reviews for my little minions to read on here. I was getting requests for them towards the end of my membership last year from a couple people, and talk about an ego stroke! Thanks guys
But, seriuously, I do want to get some stuff out of my system and tell you guys about this new web site that I am referencing for critiquing purposes so you all can be just as much in the know as I am. It's a really neat place, covers loads of different genres and you can even get a weekly newsletter filling you in on that week's releases. Hey, maybe this could even spark a little debate between myself and my people's! I'll link it in my next post, I just have to write this entry with the quickness because I am at work, and well, the people here are apparently "watching" me like I am some kind of criminal. I have, you must understand, not done anything to warrant such behavior, but what ever. I think, and I swear I am not tooting my own horn, here, that the HR woman is a little threatened by me simply for the fact that I have better command of the English language, as well as the fact that I never use the term "on Tommarrow". That, by the way, is her official nick name, as appointed by myself and the monkey.
Ok, so enough bitching, but at lease you know what I have been up to for the last couple of weeks. Things in the new apartment are pretty cool. It IS after all my own space. I mean, who cares if 3/4 of the stove doesn't work, we have a 3 inch flood right outside our apartment everytime it rains, and our faucet in our bathroom leaks, non stop. All we have to pay for is electric and that's pretty much it. So awesome, so awesome.

I wish that there was something to report, but honestly, things are pretty much on the mellow at the mo. I can say, though that it is nice to be back. I have an outlet again, sort of. The only thing keeping me from frequenting this place more than I have the chance to is the fact that we don't have the internet, or -gasp

Ok, so enough bitching, but at lease you know what I have been up to for the last couple of weeks. Things in the new apartment are pretty cool. It IS after all my own space. I mean, who cares if 3/4 of the stove doesn't work, we have a 3 inch flood right outside our apartment everytime it rains, and our faucet in our bathroom leaks, non stop. All we have to pay for is electric and that's pretty much it. So awesome, so awesome.