I've always had a very practical outlook when it came to my obsession with vampires/vampirism. For instance, I was never one who dressed "Goth",or considered myself "Goth", nor am I afraid of the sun. In fact, as some of you may very well know, the beach is my favorite place to be. Furthermore, even though I am a believer, I certainly am not one to carry some gaudy cross in my back pocket or some rosary around my neck. I have just never believed that they really walked among us, perhaps hoped, but never was never able to convince myself that they lurked around every corner. There was no need to believe in that I'd not myself wanted to be one. Again, refer to my practical approach. In fact, this entry is going to be non-climactic in that nothing monumental has happened to me to change my stance, or my obsession. I am, however, reading this great novel called The Historian. What initially drew me to this book was not that I had any knowledge of it being about Dracula, but that title just brought me right in. Love all things history. In fact, I was reading the back of the book and thought, "Who the hell is Vlad the impaler?". The first couple of times I even said his name, you know to get my tongue used to rolling it, I couldn't even pronounce "impaler" correctly (I sound more like a brit referring to their Chevy Impala). And, honestly, it is a little embarrassing to admit even that Vlad the Impaler, Vlad Dracula or the Drakulya never coexisted in my mind, or historical education in connection with Dracula, and the time old tale concocted by Bram Stoker. I suppose The Historian, which, by the way is written by Elizabeth Kostova, brings the tale to the level in which I'd been searching for it. The history is so fine pointed and just as lush as the scenery in which the narrator travels through. I am only within the first 100 pages of this 740 page thriller, but I can tell you all, the investment is certainly worth it. For those of you not all too into rich history, especially that of Ancient Ottoman Rule and the Carpathians I suggest moving on, but if you are just as intrigued by the long history between the two battling forces, then I highly suggest this read!

I actually really like when I get random messages. So, thanks! Was Mamet this guy's first name? Because that would be really interesting.
sounds like a cool book. i've always been pretty interested in vlad from a historical perspective. i'll have to check it out.