So, I was listening to the new cd from Mastadon, Blood Mountain, and realized that this in fact is great metal. Now, I say this because they seem to be changing the rules with each succession of each note. The songs are not flooded with pinch harmonics, which are what seem to characterize most "nu-metal"/"metalcore" bands these days- how loud can we get those guitars to squeal guys, I mean really! Lots of interesting melodies, and very innovative, metal genre speaking, timing changes. And, funny enough, my brother who is actually more into "grindcore", though gravitates to metal off and on, said the first time he heard Mastadon, he knew I'd like them for the sheer fact that they are a heavier version of Mars Volta. So, for all of my pals out there who are into metal, or who just want to check out an intelligent collaboration of musicians, I suggest starting with "Capillarian Creast" off of their newest release, Blood Mountain.
Also, I want to bring an interesting thought that I had last night to the table. It occured to me while watching lionesses hunt down water buffalo. Now, I have at least a handfull of freinds who are either vegetarian or vegan (however, most of us like our red meat
), and with all due respect, realized how rediculous their reasoning is behind their "moral" stance, if you will. First of all, and I can get numbers for you later, most vegans and or vegitarians are believers of evolution, right down to the pond. However, it is proven that Apes/chimps/gorrillas are carnevorous, as they can in fact metabolize bones. And, while this is the case, they chose more often than not a vegitative diet. O.K., but the truth DOES lie in the fact that tehy CAN and DO consume meat on occasion. So, why, tell me, is it inhumane for US, Humans, to consume meat? Is it because we have a stronger sense of "wrong" and "right", a conscience? Well, for those of you who USE this said conscience, also are aware of your animal instincts and, until one sees that propaganda-intended movie produced by those PETA loons, humans tend to attract to meat. There are certain nutrients and minerals, my freinds, that only a small percentage can be obtained from beans, as opposed to meat. Supplements, even, may give you your daily dose of calcium/magnesium and iron, but damned if you won't be backed up like you just ate a tub of peanut butter. What I am trying to get at hear is, one really should not feel some strong conviction about eating meat. We were infact bred to do so. Hey, evolusionists, question if you will- your pal the neandrethal ate meat to get by, didn't he/she? I know, again with the evolved intelligence, I KNOW. However, there is still instinct, and if you think that you are smarter than your carneverous peer becasue you somehow supress this instinct to eat meat, well, sir/madame, I think not.
I am probably going to lose some freinds over that, but lately, I have just gotten fed up with the vegitarians/vegans around me trying to prove some point, on some intellectual level, or even some moral level, and those of us who chose to eat meat seem to be no more intellectualy advanced than our neandrethal think what you will of me at this point, 'cause I really couldn't give a shit (wouldn't have hit the "add blog" tab had I cared, frankly). I just needed to get that off of my chest. Thanks
Also, I want to bring an interesting thought that I had last night to the table. It occured to me while watching lionesses hunt down water buffalo. Now, I have at least a handfull of freinds who are either vegetarian or vegan (however, most of us like our red meat

I am probably going to lose some freinds over that, but lately, I have just gotten fed up with the vegitarians/vegans around me trying to prove some point, on some intellectual level, or even some moral level, and those of us who chose to eat meat seem to be no more intellectualy advanced than our neandrethal think what you will of me at this point, 'cause I really couldn't give a shit (wouldn't have hit the "add blog" tab had I cared, frankly). I just needed to get that off of my chest. Thanks