First off...THANK YOU'S, THANK YOU'S, THANK YOU'S GUYS for all of the birthday wishes!!!! You guys freakin rock-ed my socks! AND I am sorry that I could not send a personal message back to each and everyone of you. I know, just know that makes me look like an ungrateful fool, but on the day of my birthday, throughout the day, whenever I would sign on here to check my msg's. each and every new one put a smile on my face! You all are superb!
Now, the reasoning behind my lack of communication here...
...It all started on my birthday (Wed. April 5th). The night was full of jack and coke, ping pong, almost rumbling in an alley and finally hugging the john. The following night was an evening with the fucking amazing Heartless Bastards where I not only missed my train home, but then upon cabbing it into DC from Arlington, I left my keys on the just-barely-caught-by-the-skin-o-myteeth train that carried me back to rockville. Upon arrival to my car with freind in tow, panicked, called mama, she was swell about the whole ordeal, made the 45 minute trek from Frederick to Rockville, and the new boy aka my Knight in Shining Dodge Neon armor waited with me and my bottle of brandy. I know, longest run on to date for a 'Ruca' journal-I don't fucking care, we are talking about FUN here, people, FUN!!! So then, the next night, (firday if you are having trouble following me, here) went to the bar with the boy and his boys, and OMG! Got rediculously drunk as I seemed to have aquired this new philosophy about not eating, and therefore reducing my liqour spending for the night. Only problem with this approach, yeah, I get the spins/out of my mind OH! so easily!
Not good times, and though I did not puke, per say, I got a little emo on the new boy's ass, but that could certainly be attributed to the fact that I'd only gotten about 7 hours of sleep within the two days prior. He was sweet. Picked a flower for me by the end of the night. I must have not made a total dick of myself as the next night (again, for those of you with ADD, saturday night) we got together and drank beer and watched Headbangers Ball with Jamey Jasta of Hatebreed (no, he was not at my boy's house, he was on the tube hosting it!). Made my way home somewhat early (ok, ok, 1 am, to be exact), as I knew the following night would be full of more debauchery, i.e. the Leftover Crack show at the Ottobar sunday night. THIS was somewhat a highlight of the Ruca national birthday week, as it seemed to have turned out to be! I mean, I certainly didn't mind celebrating
. While there, and after drinking brandy and Dr.Pepper the entire ride down, I had a fucking fab time. Got totally anialated in the mosh pit (bruises on me arms to prove it too, y'see! Some guy crashed on my head, too!). Stizzle, the lead singer and I had a moment- OMG! We like touched hands and shit!
Haha...Green Goblin, their opening band did a swell job, too. I would certainly buy their CD! The post show part of the evening wasn't so hot, however, as my best freind's BF had wayyyyyy too much to drink and was acting like a dick to every third person he saw that night....jesus, that kid is gonna get his ass kicked, and I just HOPE I am not there to witness it. Anywho, during the knife weilding, screaming match that went on between the two of them (she was in the back seat with me, pulling HER knife, and he was in the front passengers seat pulling HIS knife-it was insane...all over some misunderstandings and jealousy...
) I just kinda stared out of the window, trying to keep warm as the 'boy toy' couldnt figure out if he was hot or cold or not, and continualy ran the window up and down- the whole time, I am thinking, he is going to break this damn window, and I am going to be fucked for the next 45 minute leg of this way too long ride home....Ended up getting home safe and sound, sans pneumonia from a broken window, but via a cab that we called from a freinds house.
....So, yeah, that was the last four or five, or how many ever days of my life. But let me tell you about the new guy.....this one could be good....
....:: grabs bowl of popcorn, nail polish and turns on John cusak film:: Warning, next part of this entry will resemble that of a girls night in, aka sleep over. I will devulge details about my new infatuation, and will not hesitate to overuse the term OMG! Boys, beware.....
...No, it's nothing like that actually. He is pretty much everything I am looking for in a guy. He is just as passinaote about music as I am, as he is persuing a career in music. He used to tour with a band as their drummer, which he has been playing for the last 15 years, but now, for the last five years, he has fine tuned his guitar skills and is working with a band where he will play as such- the lead guitar dude
. He likes to drink, laughs at my jokes, laughs with me at myself or at himself, likes when I burp, a manly man, persay, not too old- as in CERTAINLY doesn't need viagra- but not too young to only want to fuck around, either. In fact, he, in a 1950's courting kind of way, asked me to be his girl this past monday
I was honored, and certainly said yes. But you guys, more than anything, this guys KEEPS me laughing, he is SO funny!
I call him, my monkey
We have a lot of fun together, and pretty much all of my friends and family that have seen us together say it's truely a perfect fit. He really is good to me, respects me, listens to me, says things that I want to listen and respond to. Things look bright, kids, they are a'lookin bright!
This entry is completely filled with fluff and SO not insightful, but hey, who REALLY wants to think when they come to this site, anyway? Tonight, Against Me! opens for Alkaline Trio. I want to go. My kidneys hurt from all of the alcohol, so I will probably be sober for it, but even still, I think I really should make a strong attempt at being there....They are playing at Nation in DC around 8 or 9....hope to see some of you schmoes there!!! Oh, also, this may make me lame, but I like the Bravery. I think their stuff is yummy.
Hugs and Thugs, kiddo-s, and don't be strangers.....

Now, the reasoning behind my lack of communication here...
...It all started on my birthday (Wed. April 5th). The night was full of jack and coke, ping pong, almost rumbling in an alley and finally hugging the john. The following night was an evening with the fucking amazing Heartless Bastards where I not only missed my train home, but then upon cabbing it into DC from Arlington, I left my keys on the just-barely-caught-by-the-skin-o-myteeth train that carried me back to rockville. Upon arrival to my car with freind in tow, panicked, called mama, she was swell about the whole ordeal, made the 45 minute trek from Frederick to Rockville, and the new boy aka my Knight in Shining Dodge Neon armor waited with me and my bottle of brandy. I know, longest run on to date for a 'Ruca' journal-I don't fucking care, we are talking about FUN here, people, FUN!!! So then, the next night, (firday if you are having trouble following me, here) went to the bar with the boy and his boys, and OMG! Got rediculously drunk as I seemed to have aquired this new philosophy about not eating, and therefore reducing my liqour spending for the night. Only problem with this approach, yeah, I get the spins/out of my mind OH! so easily!

....So, yeah, that was the last four or five, or how many ever days of my life. But let me tell you about the new guy.....this one could be good....
....:: grabs bowl of popcorn, nail polish and turns on John cusak film:: Warning, next part of this entry will resemble that of a girls night in, aka sleep over. I will devulge details about my new infatuation, and will not hesitate to overuse the term OMG! Boys, beware.....
...No, it's nothing like that actually. He is pretty much everything I am looking for in a guy. He is just as passinaote about music as I am, as he is persuing a career in music. He used to tour with a band as their drummer, which he has been playing for the last 15 years, but now, for the last five years, he has fine tuned his guitar skills and is working with a band where he will play as such- the lead guitar dude

This entry is completely filled with fluff and SO not insightful, but hey, who REALLY wants to think when they come to this site, anyway? Tonight, Against Me! opens for Alkaline Trio. I want to go. My kidneys hurt from all of the alcohol, so I will probably be sober for it, but even still, I think I really should make a strong attempt at being there....They are playing at Nation in DC around 8 or 9....hope to see some of you schmoes there!!! Oh, also, this may make me lame, but I like the Bravery. I think their stuff is yummy.
Hugs and Thugs, kiddo-s, and don't be strangers.....

where's my damn press kit!