What a sad day. Im a dad and I'm getting my kids and hugging them tight today.
1 2 3 4!!!...............animal play drums fozzzy!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! ANIMAL! ANIMAL! ANIMAL!!!!!!!!
I need sex. Just sex.
God damn lottery. Fuck you
New house before Xmas! Its gonna take all my.money but its not a shit hole and I can get my dog back!!!!
Can't this all just stop for a minute. Just please one minute.?
You're sexy, and that's a kickass shirt.
look i just want to see Wreck it Ralph. do i really have to wait another fucking week????? ohh and i got a few new pics i need to crop and put up some of the rugby match's and my trip to Chattanooga. Does anyone read these things?
of course you count!! lol
blah blah blah blah rugby blah blah blah blah blah sex blah blah blah blah blah blah beer.
Sounds like either a really good or really bad day.
i really dig this chick http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVi3piwVZUs&feature=colike