Thanks to eveyone who wished me happy birthday!!! Made me very happy!
Rubbish English weather didn't allow me to have my picnic but I got to see some friends and drink a silly amount of champagne and get some impressive carpet burns on my back from some rather intense shagging so its all good!
I also was read stories to by Rashid whilst having a rather drunken bath with fresh lavender from his garden at 4 this morning. It was a story about fishermen on the coast of South Africa and he read it beautifully.....sigh.... I loooove being read to.
And I started my 27th year this morning by feeding a tortoise rose petals. That's a good start to a year I reckon.
Rubbish English weather didn't allow me to have my picnic but I got to see some friends and drink a silly amount of champagne and get some impressive carpet burns on my back from some rather intense shagging so its all good!

And I started my 27th year this morning by feeding a tortoise rose petals. That's a good start to a year I reckon.

i do so apologise for my failure to wish you happiness, joy and merriment galore for your birthday.
and i do not consider having not made your acquaintance to be a valid excuse.