Yesterday was so much fun! I took my friend Aaron on a surprise picnic for his birthday. I told him to bring his going out clothes with him as I needed to check out how it matched with this feather choker I'm making for him but when he arrived I had everything ready and we went to the park and spent all day frolicking around and taking pics...
It was all alcohol and sugar free, Aaron being an alcohol and sugar free kind a guy (yes! friends who are a good influence on me!) so I had champagne glasses (a pound each from the local YMCA) with Purdeys (yum)...
and listened to swing and jazz and ate sandwhiches and sipped tap water from my *special* tea cups...
I love surprises! Surprises are awesome. So I had lots of little surpirses for him throughout the day including a sugar free birthday cake and also a cute little album I made to put all the polaroid pics in... much fun.
And lots more fun to come... Torture Garden this Satuday... come along and see Miss Ruby in her pride and glory, boobies on display, modelling her finest tassels! Also, some poeple from my swingers community are coming so I have a little hunch that there might be some *naughtiness* to come too *Please God let there be naughtiness. I so deserve it after all this time*
And then a certain someone is coming back which I am *rather* looking forward to. A certain someone with a pet tortoise who grows roses and speaks in proverbs and makes me feel all funny and gooey inside. And that's not just my knickers.

It was all alcohol and sugar free, Aaron being an alcohol and sugar free kind a guy (yes! friends who are a good influence on me!) so I had champagne glasses (a pound each from the local YMCA) with Purdeys (yum)...

and listened to swing and jazz and ate sandwhiches and sipped tap water from my *special* tea cups...

I love surprises! Surprises are awesome. So I had lots of little surpirses for him throughout the day including a sugar free birthday cake and also a cute little album I made to put all the polaroid pics in... much fun.
And lots more fun to come... Torture Garden this Satuday... come along and see Miss Ruby in her pride and glory, boobies on display, modelling her finest tassels! Also, some poeple from my swingers community are coming so I have a little hunch that there might be some *naughtiness* to come too *Please God let there be naughtiness. I so deserve it after all this time*
And then a certain someone is coming back which I am *rather* looking forward to. A certain someone with a pet tortoise who grows roses and speaks in proverbs and makes me feel all funny and gooey inside. And that's not just my knickers.

i like that.