Oh dear
Suicide Girls is such a bad idea. Time at the computer is meant to be spent productively, designing a website and keeping finance tables up to date etc and absolutely NOT spending FAR TOO long lustily gazing at sexy girls. How am I ever going to discipline myself?
You know, when I was younger, I remember crying, literally crying of boredom whenever I had free time. Nowadays, even though I have technically been unemployed since the middle of December, I have not been bored once. I don't even watch TV. I literally constantly have lists of things to do. If only there was a way to doss around forever and ever and ever.... sigh.....
Anyways, I'm reading this book on tantric sex at the moment. I don't really have a problem with rituals and spells etc per se, but purrrlease, how on earth can I stand facing someone, wearing a magic robe and with one hand pointing to the heavens and another to the earth, pronounce " I call upon the guardian of the north, the power of air, wind and breath. Come great eagle, guardian of the skies, open my mind to clarity, vision, and understanding. Give wings to my soul. Teach me lightness of being" without bursting into a fit of giggles?!?
Don't think I could pull it off. Don't get me wrong, I think there's plenty to learn from tantric sex. Anyone have any thoughts on it?

You know, when I was younger, I remember crying, literally crying of boredom whenever I had free time. Nowadays, even though I have technically been unemployed since the middle of December, I have not been bored once. I don't even watch TV. I literally constantly have lists of things to do. If only there was a way to doss around forever and ever and ever.... sigh.....
Anyways, I'm reading this book on tantric sex at the moment. I don't really have a problem with rituals and spells etc per se, but purrrlease, how on earth can I stand facing someone, wearing a magic robe and with one hand pointing to the heavens and another to the earth, pronounce " I call upon the guardian of the north, the power of air, wind and breath. Come great eagle, guardian of the skies, open my mind to clarity, vision, and understanding. Give wings to my soul. Teach me lightness of being" without bursting into a fit of giggles?!?
Don't think I could pull it off. Don't get me wrong, I think there's plenty to learn from tantric sex. Anyone have any thoughts on it?

dear me, there's actual snow where you are? is that a russian hat btw? somehow your profile pic reminds me of a czech version of cinderella I watched the other day, there was lots of snow, and cinderella was riding a snow white horse.