Does anyone wanna help me out? I need a good banner! If anyone wants to make me one for my business, you can use my logo and anypics from my website and .... I shall take you out for a drink to say thanks!
Lots of exciting business developments...
orders from vintage to fetish in manchester, a sex shops in Greece and soon Paradiso.
Am also accessorizing all the bar staff for the volupte bar - a burelsque / cabaret bar opening in London early next year. Also will be selling things on Kitty Klaw's ministry of burlesque website and having 2 items featured in next monthgs skin two magazine. Phew! Am busy, busy busy!
Kisses n eyelash flutters to you all
Lots of exciting business developments...
orders from vintage to fetish in manchester, a sex shops in Greece and soon Paradiso.
Am also accessorizing all the bar staff for the volupte bar - a burelsque / cabaret bar opening in London early next year. Also will be selling things on Kitty Klaw's ministry of burlesque website and having 2 items featured in next monthgs skin two magazine. Phew! Am busy, busy busy!
Kisses n eyelash flutters to you all

I might even have a go for fun if I have a spare half hour
I have a beard now. And I always wear a suit. Im sure youl be able to find me. Either that or youl read this a week later and im just wasted drinking (water) time.