That was only a matter of weeks ago and it already feels like a life time ago.
Isn't it strange how people you love can wind you up like no one else?
Have you ever noticed that we often draw people into our lives who have the same weaknesses and issues as us? When we get angry with them, deep down we are really dissaproving of ourselves. By drawing them into our lives part of us is desperately trying to find a way to confront our issues, work through them and move on.
I used to have a partner who I lived with who was a drug addict. Every single day I would get angry about his addictions and moan at him. I started to realize that it was really me projecting my own issues on to him. I've always had problems with addictions and it was really my own digust at myself that made me so furious with him. On the one hand drawing him into my life enabled me to forget about myself
on the surface and moan about him. On the other hand on a deeper level I reached a stage where I had to confront myself.
I don't belief in accidents in life. We draw experiences and people towards us to give us opporunities to grow and learn. I know this is a contentious thing to say but its what I believe and trangressing from a completely passive state of mind to being proactive in everything I do has completely chaged my life for the better. Things don't just happen to us while we sit around. We are ultimately responsible for everything.
And kharma.
Im definately up for going to see it!
Not sure if i can make the SG meet though. Id probly turn up and just lurk serupticiously as oppossed to introducing myself anyway.