O.K, O.K, here are twenty random things about yours truly:
1) Never expect me to make sense for very long or be consistent about anything. At first you will find it endearing, then it will drive you mad
2) I lost my virginity on Guy fawks night ten years ago almost to the day
3) The author I would most like to meet is Tom Robbins. He is fabulous and I thoroughly recommend you read him. He is the best at similies ever ever ever. My two favourites being: "And he bit into the sandwitch and the cucumber snapped like the spine of a small elf" and "soon she was so wet that a child could have sailed a small boat in her knickers"
4) At this moment I am cooking a cauliflower, brocolli and parmesan soup
5) I suffer from horrific sugar cravings which I indulge in a daily basis and curse this fact on a daily basis too
6) I don't consider myself to be very clever at all but I suppose I must be to an extent because it appears that my friends are very very clever. And that must be saying something. But I definitely don't feel clever when it comes to IQ kind of things. I feel very clever when it comes to understanding people though
7) My first sexual experiences were all with girls. Me and my best friend used to stay over at each others houses and finger fuck each other at the age of 12. I was so clueless I had never even heard of what it was to be turned on and didn't know what was happening to me. All I remember is thinking "ahhh.... this is the best feeling in the whole world
8) I went to church every Sunday until I was 18 and left home. I haven't been since
9) I have a love affair with bunnies. Bunnies and armadillos are my favourite animals. One day I would like to live in the country side and ride horses. I have never really ridden a horse but think they are incredibly beautiful.
10) I once filled up about 3 books recording and analyzing my dreams. I think I have learnt more about myself through this than anything else
11) I am now eating said soup. It is dissapointingly bland
12) I think about running away frm my life and starting somehwere else on the other side of the world on a regular basis. I am exceedingly good at chasing rainbows
13) I am not religious but could write a book about my beliefs on human beings and what we are really doing in this existence and our place in the universe. I devote much of my time to this and my life philosophy is an integral part of my life.
14) I am trying to relearn how to cry. I discovered recently how astonishingly disconnected I am from my emotions and how I don't let myself feel things very often. So I rarely cry. Which I have discovered is really not doing me any good
15) I have a MSc in Sustainable Tourism and my dream used to be to travel to somewhere exotic and set up a small scale eco tourism project. I once worked as a tourguide in a butterfly and insect education centre in a cloud forest in Costa Rica. It rocked! I would now however like to continue my reiki studies and then train as a councellor and work with people who have had similar problems to me (I have suffered from chronic psychosomatic pain for 8 years)
16) Going to Burning Man was the best thing I have done in my entire life. I get tears of joy in my eyes whenever I talk about it.
17) I have never been in a fist fight.
18) I had a boyfriend who was an Indian prince (his father is the maharaja of Gudjurat) and I went to India with him when I was barely 18. It was insane. I felt like I was on a permanent acid trip for the first two weeks
19) I am an introvert. I have good social skills but get my energy from being alone
20) I was went to L.A and hung out on a porn set for a week. It was wild. But it put me off men for a while. There is only so much black men gang banging white trash that you can watch without feeling misanthropic.
O.K, I tag:
So I should really update more often shouldn't I? Especially seeing as my account is runnig out at the end of the year.
So if anyone asks me a question, anything at all, or asks me for something like a photo or whatever I will post it.
So get to it!null
1) Never expect me to make sense for very long or be consistent about anything. At first you will find it endearing, then it will drive you mad
2) I lost my virginity on Guy fawks night ten years ago almost to the day
3) The author I would most like to meet is Tom Robbins. He is fabulous and I thoroughly recommend you read him. He is the best at similies ever ever ever. My two favourites being: "And he bit into the sandwitch and the cucumber snapped like the spine of a small elf" and "soon she was so wet that a child could have sailed a small boat in her knickers"
4) At this moment I am cooking a cauliflower, brocolli and parmesan soup
5) I suffer from horrific sugar cravings which I indulge in a daily basis and curse this fact on a daily basis too
6) I don't consider myself to be very clever at all but I suppose I must be to an extent because it appears that my friends are very very clever. And that must be saying something. But I definitely don't feel clever when it comes to IQ kind of things. I feel very clever when it comes to understanding people though
7) My first sexual experiences were all with girls. Me and my best friend used to stay over at each others houses and finger fuck each other at the age of 12. I was so clueless I had never even heard of what it was to be turned on and didn't know what was happening to me. All I remember is thinking "ahhh.... this is the best feeling in the whole world

8) I went to church every Sunday until I was 18 and left home. I haven't been since
9) I have a love affair with bunnies. Bunnies and armadillos are my favourite animals. One day I would like to live in the country side and ride horses. I have never really ridden a horse but think they are incredibly beautiful.
10) I once filled up about 3 books recording and analyzing my dreams. I think I have learnt more about myself through this than anything else
11) I am now eating said soup. It is dissapointingly bland
12) I think about running away frm my life and starting somehwere else on the other side of the world on a regular basis. I am exceedingly good at chasing rainbows
13) I am not religious but could write a book about my beliefs on human beings and what we are really doing in this existence and our place in the universe. I devote much of my time to this and my life philosophy is an integral part of my life.
14) I am trying to relearn how to cry. I discovered recently how astonishingly disconnected I am from my emotions and how I don't let myself feel things very often. So I rarely cry. Which I have discovered is really not doing me any good
15) I have a MSc in Sustainable Tourism and my dream used to be to travel to somewhere exotic and set up a small scale eco tourism project. I once worked as a tourguide in a butterfly and insect education centre in a cloud forest in Costa Rica. It rocked! I would now however like to continue my reiki studies and then train as a councellor and work with people who have had similar problems to me (I have suffered from chronic psychosomatic pain for 8 years)
16) Going to Burning Man was the best thing I have done in my entire life. I get tears of joy in my eyes whenever I talk about it.
17) I have never been in a fist fight.
18) I had a boyfriend who was an Indian prince (his father is the maharaja of Gudjurat) and I went to India with him when I was barely 18. It was insane. I felt like I was on a permanent acid trip for the first two weeks
19) I am an introvert. I have good social skills but get my energy from being alone
20) I was went to L.A and hung out on a porn set for a week. It was wild. But it put me off men for a while. There is only so much black men gang banging white trash that you can watch without feeling misanthropic.
O.K, I tag:
So I should really update more often shouldn't I? Especially seeing as my account is runnig out at the end of the year.
So if anyone asks me a question, anything at all, or asks me for something like a photo or whatever I will post it.
So get to it!null
yes i am back
and i think i will come to the meet if you two ladies do