Everyone from SG I've met so far was nice and kind, no exceptions!
But today I'm talking about my experience meeting @doce . It was at the end of 2020 in her shoot day in Rio de Janeiro while I was still living there.
She was extra kind and caring. She's a great photographer and she makes you feel welcomed since the beginning.
A funny thing is that the translation of her username would be "sweet" and that is exactly what she is! She's the personification of a sweet person!
We had a great time, we laughed a lot, she shot my last set (that I absolutely I fell in love with the moment I looked at the camera!) as well as some other photos, and she also gave me a Polaroid at the end which I thought was super cute.
It's something I keep very dearly as it marks these very nice memories we shared on that day ❤️


Você é tão maravilhosaa! Obrigada pelo carinho ♥ Eu amei trabalhar com você e espero ter a oportunidade de trabalhar novamente ♥ ps: Muita saudade desse diaa