I usually don't set goals for the new year to avoid disappointment as I tend to always sabotage myself lol
But for 2022 I want to travel more! Or just to try different stuff.
My therapist said it would be good for my depression. And one of the 'goals' is to get better, so let's do it!
I need to take a better care of my health, both physical and mental. I have been barely eating for the past few months so I lost weight in a very unhealthy way, I stopped exercising. I'll schedule an appointment with a doctor to ask for some blood tests to check if everything is okay and change my bad habits.
I would like to be more successful as well. I'm still thinking about what I can do to achieve that lol I'm too perfectionist
I think these are mine. Have you thought about yours or this isn't something you do for the new year? Let me know in the comments 💕