@LZ55 this is interesting! I'll be looking this whitepaper, thanks! So far I've been in PvU, Bombcrypto, Cryptocars, Cryptomines, I also have some Polychain monsters. I've just put some money in CorgiNFT that will be released soon and thinking about putting some money in Herocat (people say it's similar to Mobox, but much cheaper). I like stuff that I don't need to actually play that much hahaha Cryptocars and Cryptomines I just need to log in once a day and that's it, making money lol Bombcrypto I just need to leave my browser opened all day and eventually come back to put my heroes to work again (I'm making about 10-30 usd/day which in my currency is very good daily)

@rubymoon Nice, I haven't heard of some of those before. Sounds like some decent passive income. I'm all about that passive income. Yeah, I think 1 USD is like 5-6 Brazilian Real or something. I mean that's good passive income even for us here. Minimum wage is like $7.25 per hour where I am. I took a risk on Shiba Inu like 10 months ago and it ended up paying off because Shiba blew up. I made like $1000 from it.