First of all, I'd like COVID to be gone for good. If that sounds too optimistic, having a vaccine properly tested and available would be great too.
I'm currently moving to a different state, in the countryside. I've always lived in capitals, so I really hope I can settle there easily and adapt to the different lifestyle.
I have many sets planned for 2021! I guess 8 that are already scheduled to be shot. So 2021 might be my year here LOL
I have a lot of fun shooting these photosets and hanging around here. Although it's a big community, there's always space for everyone to feel welcomed and that's the thing I love the most here!
Honestly, one of the things I hope the most is that I manage to work a little less. I'm exhausted.
That's it. Maybe next year I return to this blog post and check how everything turned out. Fingers crossed!
PIC BY THE LOVELY @vanianini
Cura do covid! p.s lindaaaaaaaaaaa <3
Sentirei saudades de te clicar por aqui Deusa! Mas o mundo é nosso e faremos muitos trabalhos lindos por aí... Esse ano realmente foi de reflexão, de rever valores, de estruturar... que venha 2021!