WHAT A SURPRISE!! A friend bought me the pistolita suicide calendar!!
It was on my wishlist, and it arrived today.
I had no idea....I was so surprised, happy and excited....
I have to say that each month is a delight, but i especially love S. BUCCELLATO and ALEX MEYER.
BEAUTIFUL work and such an amazing contribution by everyone. I think that girlfrompasadena is a truly wonderful human being, and all my love goes out to pistolitasuicide.
I understand what it's like to have a horrible illness or disease, as i have a rare blood disorder...and my mother has had breast & cervical cancer. IT IS HORRIBLE, BUT YOU JUST TAKE IT DAY BY DAY.
It was on my wishlist, and it arrived today.
I had no idea....I was so surprised, happy and excited....
I have to say that each month is a delight, but i especially love S. BUCCELLATO and ALEX MEYER.
BEAUTIFUL work and such an amazing contribution by everyone. I think that girlfrompasadena is a truly wonderful human being, and all my love goes out to pistolitasuicide.

I understand what it's like to have a horrible illness or disease, as i have a rare blood disorder...and my mother has had breast & cervical cancer. IT IS HORRIBLE, BUT YOU JUST TAKE IT DAY BY DAY.

my very best wishes to you rubyfoo! xox jen