So - I'm on the campaign trail again... yep, a Party of One, searching for a Place to hang my hat and rest my tired bones.
There's few things more stressful than finding a new place to live. Despite disrupted sleep and slight case of anxiety, am somewhat pissed that the Rahe-Holmes scale rates moving house at only a 20. Below 'Change in Personal Habits'. Somehow don't think they took into account the actual LOOKING for a place, and all the associated stress that entails. (Ok, granted, Christmas was a lower rating, but still. It should at least be above 'Outstanding Personal Achievement'.) Think Rahe/Holmes must have slid from one home to another with swan-like grace.
Bloody sheltered medicos.
Anyways - found somewhere almost 100% perfect, after multiple lucking out. This place is in Carlton (v central) amongst many kooky shops, parks and galleries. It's a little townhouse above an art studio - the place has just been leased out by an artist/designer lady. It's also really bloody cheap - a definate bonus in the cloudy financial situ. Of course, this means I will have had to beat about 50 others off with sticks to have been successful. Fingers crossed!! xOx
There's few things more stressful than finding a new place to live. Despite disrupted sleep and slight case of anxiety, am somewhat pissed that the Rahe-Holmes scale rates moving house at only a 20. Below 'Change in Personal Habits'. Somehow don't think they took into account the actual LOOKING for a place, and all the associated stress that entails. (Ok, granted, Christmas was a lower rating, but still. It should at least be above 'Outstanding Personal Achievement'.) Think Rahe/Holmes must have slid from one home to another with swan-like grace.
Bloody sheltered medicos.
Anyways - found somewhere almost 100% perfect, after multiple lucking out. This place is in Carlton (v central) amongst many kooky shops, parks and galleries. It's a little townhouse above an art studio - the place has just been leased out by an artist/designer lady. It's also really bloody cheap - a definate bonus in the cloudy financial situ. Of course, this means I will have had to beat about 50 others off with sticks to have been successful. Fingers crossed!! xOx
hey how have you been? good luck with the house hunting its pretty tough atm but im sure youll find somewhere...
I hear theredsunband have a new album out