Went and saw a trashy French Chick-Flick today (I Do - How to Get Married and Stay SIngle).
Ah, but why is it the French can get away wth it? The quirky sense of humour, the rapid fire dialogue, the romantic settings! Ah yes, it's junk food for the heart, but this, dear friends, is Lindt.
Got my new bed today. I can sleep flat now - no need to scrunch up in a ball anymore!
How I lasted months doing this I do not know. No wonder my back is fucked.
Signed the lease with a new flatte today.
New flattie love!! We going to Club Blink altogether on Friday, for a house celebration session - with Heavy Metal and Absinthe!
Cheers to that!

A fascinating site I'm getting addicted to:
Found Magazine
Ah, but why is it the French can get away wth it? The quirky sense of humour, the rapid fire dialogue, the romantic settings! Ah yes, it's junk food for the heart, but this, dear friends, is Lindt.
Got my new bed today. I can sleep flat now - no need to scrunch up in a ball anymore!
How I lasted months doing this I do not know. No wonder my back is fucked.
Signed the lease with a new flatte today.

Cheers to that!

A fascinating site I'm getting addicted to:
Found Magazine