Going to see a chilled-out act tonight: theredsunband ( www.myspace.com.au/theredsunband ) at the Hoey tonight. (More reviewing for www.fasterlouder.com.au/people/susanmunro) Making a tasty pasta with bestie Iain too... Mmn, Italian goodness, red wine and loungey tunes - just the kind of thing for a chilly winter's night. It's glacial out there... or it feels like it to my fragile tropical bones.
Ew - have caffeine come-down headache from the strong brew I had in Glebe this morning... brutal. Guess it's my own fault, though, as maybe would not have required so many cups if I'd not stayed up all of last night on the site...
I'm a noob, give me a break.

Ew - have caffeine come-down headache from the strong brew I had in Glebe this morning... brutal. Guess it's my own fault, though, as maybe would not have required so many cups if I'd not stayed up all of last night on the site...
I'm a noob, give me a break.

Just a thought.