So a transformers blew out, and we had no power for hours, then the power is back... but it blew out the entire breaker, so we still have no power. I can't use the internet on my laptop because it works off power, so I'm bitching from my sidekick 2008. This sucks. I have to work tomorrow morning at 1130, and I might have to sleep in the heat.
More Blogs
Friday Jun 19, 2009
I got my laptop, I don't remember if I posted that I got it, I thi… -
Friday Jun 19, 2009
My xbox360 is working. I got my laptop today, a full 11 days earlier… -
Tuesday Jun 16, 2009
So, I bought an xbox360, the router, and set it up, I even changed th… -
Thursday Jun 11, 2009
Soooo. I'm reading TMZ, and Chastity Bono is going to become Chaz Bo… -
Tuesday Jun 09, 2009
My computer had a virus on the recovery portion, so I had to do a com… -
Thursday May 21, 2009
I am so infuriated with progresso right now. I broke veg because I b… -
Tuesday May 12, 2009
Why is this an "amazing" birth? Xander Riniker was born at 8:08 a.m.… -
Saturday May 02, 2009
Top five sexiest men, in order: 5. Esteban Powell (Swenton on The … -
Monday Apr 27, 2009
FUCK NBC now too. They might cancel Chuck, which is, hands down, my a… -
Saturday Apr 18, 2009
Am I the only one that things that Ryan Dunn was the sexiest of the B…