My Netflix, which no longer thinks I'm a lesbian thanks to one or two gay friendly shows, now thinks I'm a body building meathead....
I made the mistake of adding Terminator and T2, and now it's suggesting all this crazy shit with The Governator in it. I only watched T2 because Robert Patrick was in it, and then put Terminator in there because I started watching Sarah Connor Chronicles (RIP), and now I'm a body building testosterone machine, apparentLY! (ApparentLY said like in Coupling. What a great show. I love Netflix and my Xbox)
It's just funny. I used to hear all these things about people saying "apparently my Tivo thinks I'm gay". I have DVR and my DVR only RARELY tapes things I don't know about (I can only assume, because every now and then something I've NEVER heard of gets taped, and I'm the only one with access to that box. So either I recorded a show and they changed the scheduling and taped what was in its place, or it's trying to pull a Tivo on me. I'm not even sure if I'm spelling Tivo right!)
I'm so very excited about Californication coming back soon. I think soon, not sure, I only think I remember reading that somewhere.....
I have work in 1:15 minutes, I had two days off, then called out the third as I was sick, but I wanted today off because I was miserable for all three days and it wasn't FUN! I'm feeling much better today, and while not 100%, I'm okay enough to work.... Unfortunately....
I need to RSVP to my friend's bridal shower. I just don't want to call because I think that I'd be calling her MOM. The last time I talked to her I think was when her daughter pulled a disappearing act. She ran away, spent a few days with a guy in a hotel room doing some kinds of drugs (X and LSD if I recall), and didn't answer anyone's calls, and I THINK missed a few days of scool. She called me to see if I knew where she was, and I said I'd try to call her. I tried, she didn't answer (as I knew she wouldn't, she had her phone off for two days at this point). Her mother called me back, and woke me up (again) and I told her that I didn't know, she didn't answer her phone. She said "SOME friend you are!' and hung up. I understand now why she did that, but at the time it upset me. She thought I didn't care, and I did, I was STARTING to worry, but I knew she was fine, I could feel it. Needless to say, the last time we soke, considering the words that came out of her mouth were 'some friend you are,' I don't want to call. Also, I hate those long "what have you been doing with your life" conversations that end in my saying "I work as a supervisor in a GROCERY FUCKING STORE. Yes, we fuck groceries, it's really strange, and more fun than you'd think."
I need to get my ass in gear, and go to school. County college is better than Groce Clerk, right? And at least if I go there and do nothing, what's the worst that happens? I "waste" money on making myself more intelligent, and learn something I enjoy? At least I could tell my children I WENT to college. I used to always think that people who said ONE of their parents went to college were weird. Truth be told, I used to think that the one who WENT to college could have done better, but I was young, and all of those things were beyond me.
It's astounding.... What you think to be the truth when you're only 16 and think you know everything, from when you're 21 and realize you may not know everything, to when you're 26 and realize you don't know shit, and finally you're 30, and feel you'd be lucky to know shit, because at least you'd have a grasp on SOMETHING.
My coffee is cold, which is strange, because it's the only thing in this house not being raped by the heat. Either I like my coffee iced, or hot, not room temp, but I slept with no AC and in my undies with just a sheet because it's that hot in my room. I need to get blinds, or blackout curtains like a week ago. I'm pretty sure my neighbors have seen my pale bare ass once or twice.
I'm rambling. I think it's because I finally feel better and all of the things that have been stuck in my brain are coming out.
My nose and my throat are starting to clear out. But now they have this SMELL stuck in them. If you ever had art class, and you were doing clay, you know that you would put moist paper towels over a sealed bag to keep the clay moist. WELL, for those of you who were working on a project at the time of an obscenely long break KNOW that when you came back, and opened that bag, it was this DISGUSTING smell, completely unique, that you will only ever smell once in a blue moon.... When you're sick, and every now and then when it rains.
I better get out now.
I made the mistake of adding Terminator and T2, and now it's suggesting all this crazy shit with The Governator in it. I only watched T2 because Robert Patrick was in it, and then put Terminator in there because I started watching Sarah Connor Chronicles (RIP), and now I'm a body building testosterone machine, apparentLY! (ApparentLY said like in Coupling. What a great show. I love Netflix and my Xbox)
It's just funny. I used to hear all these things about people saying "apparently my Tivo thinks I'm gay". I have DVR and my DVR only RARELY tapes things I don't know about (I can only assume, because every now and then something I've NEVER heard of gets taped, and I'm the only one with access to that box. So either I recorded a show and they changed the scheduling and taped what was in its place, or it's trying to pull a Tivo on me. I'm not even sure if I'm spelling Tivo right!)
I'm so very excited about Californication coming back soon. I think soon, not sure, I only think I remember reading that somewhere.....
I have work in 1:15 minutes, I had two days off, then called out the third as I was sick, but I wanted today off because I was miserable for all three days and it wasn't FUN! I'm feeling much better today, and while not 100%, I'm okay enough to work.... Unfortunately....
I need to RSVP to my friend's bridal shower. I just don't want to call because I think that I'd be calling her MOM. The last time I talked to her I think was when her daughter pulled a disappearing act. She ran away, spent a few days with a guy in a hotel room doing some kinds of drugs (X and LSD if I recall), and didn't answer anyone's calls, and I THINK missed a few days of scool. She called me to see if I knew where she was, and I said I'd try to call her. I tried, she didn't answer (as I knew she wouldn't, she had her phone off for two days at this point). Her mother called me back, and woke me up (again) and I told her that I didn't know, she didn't answer her phone. She said "SOME friend you are!' and hung up. I understand now why she did that, but at the time it upset me. She thought I didn't care, and I did, I was STARTING to worry, but I knew she was fine, I could feel it. Needless to say, the last time we soke, considering the words that came out of her mouth were 'some friend you are,' I don't want to call. Also, I hate those long "what have you been doing with your life" conversations that end in my saying "I work as a supervisor in a GROCERY FUCKING STORE. Yes, we fuck groceries, it's really strange, and more fun than you'd think."
I need to get my ass in gear, and go to school. County college is better than Groce Clerk, right? And at least if I go there and do nothing, what's the worst that happens? I "waste" money on making myself more intelligent, and learn something I enjoy? At least I could tell my children I WENT to college. I used to always think that people who said ONE of their parents went to college were weird. Truth be told, I used to think that the one who WENT to college could have done better, but I was young, and all of those things were beyond me.
It's astounding.... What you think to be the truth when you're only 16 and think you know everything, from when you're 21 and realize you may not know everything, to when you're 26 and realize you don't know shit, and finally you're 30, and feel you'd be lucky to know shit, because at least you'd have a grasp on SOMETHING.
My coffee is cold, which is strange, because it's the only thing in this house not being raped by the heat. Either I like my coffee iced, or hot, not room temp, but I slept with no AC and in my undies with just a sheet because it's that hot in my room. I need to get blinds, or blackout curtains like a week ago. I'm pretty sure my neighbors have seen my pale bare ass once or twice.
I'm rambling. I think it's because I finally feel better and all of the things that have been stuck in my brain are coming out.
My nose and my throat are starting to clear out. But now they have this SMELL stuck in them. If you ever had art class, and you were doing clay, you know that you would put moist paper towels over a sealed bag to keep the clay moist. WELL, for those of you who were working on a project at the time of an obscenely long break KNOW that when you came back, and opened that bag, it was this DISGUSTING smell, completely unique, that you will only ever smell once in a blue moon.... When you're sick, and every now and then when it rains.
I better get out now.