well, went to the SG ireland meet last nite and had such a brilliant time! youre all so nice
we definitely have to do it again sometime!
anywho, when i get a chance ive got some photos ive gotta put up, i aint no photographer but i think ull get the gist of the shenanigans

anywho, when i get a chance ive got some photos ive gotta put up, i aint no photographer but i think ull get the gist of the shenanigans

You were very lovely, but so was everyone and it makes it sounds like I'm just blanketing everyone but it's true, everyone was so nice in their own ways! Hope you got over okay and glad you enjoyed it, hope it was very worthwhile for you and I'll make sure I get more drinks going around in your direction next time, as I said I'm getting a bit more familiar with the Euro and Dublin prices now so I know where I am!

was good fun just sorry i didnt take my camera and that i kept myself kinda to myself but im a quiet boy really. lol