hello an welcome, cant believe its been so long since i updated but figured id drop in n say ehoh to everybody... life has been pretty good recently am actually gettin my act together, wow i hear you say
after a whole lot of hummin n hawing i finally got up off my ass n have gone back to college to finish my degree have managed to find myself one of those fabled supposedly non existant nice guys n im actually in a pretty good place, haha cant believe im updating my sg page n not moaning wow wat a turnabout eh??
another thing is, my best mate is getting married n im gonna be her bridesmaid, haha ive gotta dress up look pretty n take out my piercings... should be interesting eh??
have also given up drinking and smoking wow am actually pretty proud of myself, although am defo not gonna go round calling myself straightedge just in case i fall off the wagon, haha such faith eh??

another thing is, my best mate is getting married n im gonna be her bridesmaid, haha ive gotta dress up look pretty n take out my piercings... should be interesting eh??

have also given up drinking and smoking wow am actually pretty proud of myself, although am defo not gonna go round calling myself straightedge just in case i fall off the wagon, haha such faith eh??

What's the brand name?
Hey thanks for adding me! I thought I'd reply to you here rather than in MAC! I'm going to Dublin, on March 19th, so I'll miss the meet up. Are you in Dublin then? I'm so excited! xx