ooook so better update i suppose
thanks so much everyone for the well wishes, the past week has been pretty hard, but ill survive i spent most of the past week staying in my grans house keepin her company which i think she really appreciated, my grandad passing away really made me realise that my grandparents arent gonna be around forever and that i wanna spend as much time with em as possible.
hmm lets see what else has been goin on...
i came home on thursday nite from my grannys to see this band
avenged sevenfold, theyre one of my fave bands and i was really lookin forward to seein em and theyre supposed to do a really good show but when thy finally came out on stage the sound was fookin terrible, was so disappointed grr..
then anyway on friday i had training for a new job, its just market research which means im gonna be one of those annoyin feckers that randomly call ur house so its right up my alley minimal work and i still get cash in my pocket score!
just spent the weekend doin touristy things cos had a visitor from germania so had to show her round dirty ol dublin and of course it rained so im now all sick for my troubles, im just one big snotball!!
so anyway now that ive finished boring you all to death im gonna go back to sleep, the only good thing that comes from being a sick lil girl

thanks so much everyone for the well wishes, the past week has been pretty hard, but ill survive i spent most of the past week staying in my grans house keepin her company which i think she really appreciated, my grandad passing away really made me realise that my grandparents arent gonna be around forever and that i wanna spend as much time with em as possible.
hmm lets see what else has been goin on...
i came home on thursday nite from my grannys to see this band

avenged sevenfold, theyre one of my fave bands and i was really lookin forward to seein em and theyre supposed to do a really good show but when thy finally came out on stage the sound was fookin terrible, was so disappointed grr..
then anyway on friday i had training for a new job, its just market research which means im gonna be one of those annoyin feckers that randomly call ur house so its right up my alley minimal work and i still get cash in my pocket score!
just spent the weekend doin touristy things cos had a visitor from germania so had to show her round dirty ol dublin and of course it rained so im now all sick for my troubles, im just one big snotball!!
so anyway now that ive finished boring you all to death im gonna go back to sleep, the only good thing that comes from being a sick lil girl

Get well soon! My sister worked in a market research place too, it didn't sound that bad! Just don't call my house

Glad you're feeling ok, i've just got over my cold but for 2 days my ears were blocked it felt like I was walking around wearing ear muffs.