well since its been a while since my last update i suppose its time, and i totally apologise for the fact that ive been off the radar for the past week but ive got a totally valid excuse as i will explain...
well anyway so as some of u know my grandad has been pretty sick over the past couple of weeks, n i had a trip planned to london to visit one of my best mates from school, but unfortunately these two incidents coinciding at the same time didnt go down too well with my dad n he wasnt too happy with the fact that i was leaving the country while my grandad so sick that he prob wouldnt last said weekend but in the end twas decided that i couldnt really do very much by waiting around and that i was to go to london after all.
ok so i went to london i had the best time ever as i may have told some of u already n would so love to live there, but thats another story. did the usual stuff shopping on the high street shopping in camden
(where i saw but was too shy to talk to the beautiful elf )and then again more shopping among other things
it would have been a perfect weekend if it were not for the appearance on sat nite of that phone call i was dreading, my grandad died on sat nite n i hadnt had th chance to say goodbye. there was no way i could get home any earlier than my arranged flight so it meant that i had to miss the wake which in ireland is almost more important than the funeral, but i was able to be there for the funeral itself which was beautiful.
apparently it turned out that i was almost lucky that i wasnt there last week due to the fact that most people were quite on edge, resulting in words coming to literal blows at some points, and a lot of shouting. not the type of thing that anybody wants to witness now do they??
well, now that the whole funeral deal is over the only thing to do now is to move on with our lives and make sure my granny isnt on her own in the house for a while, but im thinking that its gonna be a long time before anyone actually moves on.

well anyway so as some of u know my grandad has been pretty sick over the past couple of weeks, n i had a trip planned to london to visit one of my best mates from school, but unfortunately these two incidents coinciding at the same time didnt go down too well with my dad n he wasnt too happy with the fact that i was leaving the country while my grandad so sick that he prob wouldnt last said weekend but in the end twas decided that i couldnt really do very much by waiting around and that i was to go to london after all.
ok so i went to london i had the best time ever as i may have told some of u already n would so love to live there, but thats another story. did the usual stuff shopping on the high street shopping in camden

it would have been a perfect weekend if it were not for the appearance on sat nite of that phone call i was dreading, my grandad died on sat nite n i hadnt had th chance to say goodbye. there was no way i could get home any earlier than my arranged flight so it meant that i had to miss the wake which in ireland is almost more important than the funeral, but i was able to be there for the funeral itself which was beautiful.
apparently it turned out that i was almost lucky that i wasnt there last week due to the fact that most people were quite on edge, resulting in words coming to literal blows at some points, and a lot of shouting. not the type of thing that anybody wants to witness now do they??
well, now that the whole funeral deal is over the only thing to do now is to move on with our lives and make sure my granny isnt on her own in the house for a while, but im thinking that its gonna be a long time before anyone actually moves on.

Hope you're OK sweetie