so remember that neighbour i told you guys about that played opera music at all hours of the day and night? well turns out its just him. singing. and hes actually 3 floors below me.
yup, id hate to be directly above or below him thats for sure!
although still thats some set of lungs hes got there!!
just watched the edge of love, finally...
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yup, id hate to be directly above or below him thats for sure!
although still thats some set of lungs hes got there!!
just watched the edge of love, finally...
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all i can say is thank f**king christ!
i was actually kinda worried there for a minute...
but all is good now eh?
i was actually kinda worried there for a minute...

but all is good now eh?

ok so i know halloween was friday night but i was so very hungover yesterday i dont think i could possibly have written a coherent blog...
so basically i dont know whether i had a good night or not on friday but im leaning more towards the not side of the argument...
1)the measures in this bar are so much bigger than anything im used...
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so basically i dont know whether i had a good night or not on friday but im leaning more towards the not side of the argument...
1)the measures in this bar are so much bigger than anything im used...
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well 55e is always a bonus! But by the sounds of it, it sounds like an ok night it all kinda balances out! Thanks for the picture, is really cute

Hmm, not sure!
Our college are taking us to the store in Nottingham next month...they're closing it for the evening just for us and we get a 35% discount
i just can't wait until i'm actually working in the industry so i can get my pro card.

I demand make-up porn pics!!! 

Haha, yeah nice one!
Haha. Awesome poster. 
Yeah, my family, generally, don't quite understand my whole wanderlust thing, but I definitely think my sister is beginning to see the allure of it - she keeps mentioning how she'd love to move down to the south of the country and just start afresh in a heavily populated area with plenty of opportunity. The difference between she and I, however, is that she has two kids to worry about too.

Yeah, my family, generally, don't quite understand my whole wanderlust thing, but I definitely think my sister is beginning to see the allure of it - she keeps mentioning how she'd love to move down to the south of the country and just start afresh in a heavily populated area with plenty of opportunity. The difference between she and I, however, is that she has two kids to worry about too.
argh super gayness... when i was cleaning up my laptop before moving away i had the boy clean a lot of unwanted programs, files etc off my harddrive to speed everything up a bit and everything was good...
except up til now when ive noticed that my photoshop is gone... grrr, twill be effort getting a new one, and have loads of photos i wanted...
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except up til now when ive noticed that my photoshop is gone... grrr, twill be effort getting a new one, and have loads of photos i wanted...
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How annoying, why woulkd photoshop be unwanted?? How long you been in Berlin for??
That sucks about photoshop 
Yes, strangers really shouldn't comment on your appearance or anything else for that matter. It's just plain rude.

Yes, strangers really shouldn't comment on your appearance or anything else for that matter. It's just plain rude.
welcome to germany then 

Primark =
The boots i got cost 6 quid and they're the comfiest things on the planet!

The boots i got cost 6 quid and they're the comfiest things on the planet!
oh and before i forget to add it...
im no longer a student!!!! im completely finished!!!
ooh yeah, cannot believe it!
am goin off on a mini adventure tomorrow to barcalona on my own...
apart from exploration dunno what im doing there really cos dont know anyone there, so i anyone has any tips for good bars places to people watch etc?? hit me up...
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im no longer a student!!!! im completely finished!!!
ooh yeah, cannot believe it!
am goin off on a mini adventure tomorrow to barcalona on my own...
apart from exploration dunno what im doing there really cos dont know anyone there, so i anyone has any tips for good bars places to people watch etc?? hit me up...
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I haven't been in a while, but if there's a Bar Schilling on the Caya Ferran, that's a good spot! Otherwise anywhere in in the Place Real.
Are you on facebook? I'll invite you to my fancy event group! How are you anyway? Like the new hair x
went to see bruce springsteen and the e street band last night...
it was an arena concert, im 5 foot 5 so naturally couldnt see anything, it was drizzling and people kept walking through where we were standing...
yet it was stil amazing, that man is a genius!
hes 58, and yet how he can manage to have that much energy amazes me!
he sang...
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it was an arena concert, im 5 foot 5 so naturally couldnt see anything, it was drizzling and people kept walking through where we were standing...
yet it was stil amazing, that man is a genius!
hes 58, and yet how he can manage to have that much energy amazes me!
he sang...
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How do i keep my hair looking bright? I think it's down to the fact that when i dye it with directions, i leave it on for at least an hour and a half. It's a vegetable dye so it doesn't damage your hair, but it means it stays put for much longer!!
yea, there really isnt! i wanted to do display design too, but i figured id get some sort of qualification first
i think i might have know him to see, then again that was only on the off chance id turn up to college lol! speaking of which..had our first review yest, don't think it could have gone any 'better'
ah sweet!...well apart from having to repeat, great to get away and 'immerse yourself in the culture' lol. partyyyyy tiiiime!!
were you in college in dublin?