I thought, why not. It can be a great and interesting trashy world when you make sensible choices. just for the few people I really missed and to be able to watch my favorite artists' photographs/sets and more artwork.
London is very vibrant, dirty and beautifully weird, art and social wise.I am just making my nest here now.
It's difficult to settle in a huge city, find THE job, or not. You thus make stuff to keep you going/working. Therefore each bit of the day, like feeling hopeless and then hopeful again is intense. and you cherish the best moments.
Meeting artists is a treat, as you are given so much and slowly learn how to deal with different wonderful/complex/fantastic human beings, who you have so much passion for, and fall in love with.
My French friends are so French we have to meet in Paris...aahh. We got pissed, took pictures, and finally crashed in a bar, finishing the parisian caf's cheap white wine, being elegantly kicked out after 2am and trying to find our way home, talking to weirdos and stealing show posters from the cute little theatre near the old bridge which leads to L'Ile Saint Louis....
The day after you get the hungover...but in Paris, in a gorgeous room at the top of an old and majestic flat. so...you smile and pose with your boyfriend's artwork: amazing printings...and eat chocolate.

You remember how London is unpretty (to me), smelly, punky, trashy. and you want to go back, in a hurry and snog your pals.
London is very vibrant, dirty and beautifully weird, art and social wise.I am just making my nest here now.
It's difficult to settle in a huge city, find THE job, or not. You thus make stuff to keep you going/working. Therefore each bit of the day, like feeling hopeless and then hopeful again is intense. and you cherish the best moments.
Meeting artists is a treat, as you are given so much and slowly learn how to deal with different wonderful/complex/fantastic human beings, who you have so much passion for, and fall in love with.
My French friends are so French we have to meet in Paris...aahh. We got pissed, took pictures, and finally crashed in a bar, finishing the parisian caf's cheap white wine, being elegantly kicked out after 2am and trying to find our way home, talking to weirdos and stealing show posters from the cute little theatre near the old bridge which leads to L'Ile Saint Louis....
The day after you get the hungover...but in Paris, in a gorgeous room at the top of an old and majestic flat. so...you smile and pose with your boyfriend's artwork: amazing printings...and eat chocolate.

You remember how London is unpretty (to me), smelly, punky, trashy. and you want to go back, in a hurry and snog your pals.
je cherche un logement moi, puisque la mre de H veut que je dgage de cette chambre, qui restera donc inoccupe, comme la plupart des endroits Paris. J'essaie de profiter de mes derniers instants ici, des derniers vivre Paris aussi. J'ai ventuellement un plan en banlieue, je croise les doigts. Nouvelle vie, a va me faire du bien, mais faut que je trouve un travail de manire urgente, sinon je ne pourrai pas payer mon loyer l bas.