my free boob'n boobies are LIVE IN MR!!!!!
*Play Dead Cult*
i REALLY want this one to hit the FP! so common people!!!

let me start by saying-- HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! cant you believe it 2013!? its going to take me a while to get used to saying that!
well the holidays are over... and its back to work... boo... but what makes me so happy is all the snow!!! it hasnt stopped!! its awesome!!

i had to go up on the roof at my parents house to help 'em shovel off the snow-- but then i got to jump OFF the roof and into the giant pile of snow!!! so fun!!
then i went and did what all good Canadians do.... and played some hockey!!! well attempt to ! ha i love skating... but put a stick in my hand and im lost.... A HOCKEY stick... boys!! get your heads outta the gutter

Lee bought me this top for my bday.... love herrrrrrr!!!!

its like i can free boob- but in a classier way

alright-- its tea time!!!
Thanks so much to every one whos already shown me so much love!!!
Love always,

Rubix** xox
*Play Dead Cult*
i REALLY want this one to hit the FP! so common people!!!

let me start by saying-- HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! cant you believe it 2013!? its going to take me a while to get used to saying that!
well the holidays are over... and its back to work... boo... but what makes me so happy is all the snow!!! it hasnt stopped!! its awesome!!

i had to go up on the roof at my parents house to help 'em shovel off the snow-- but then i got to jump OFF the roof and into the giant pile of snow!!! so fun!!
then i went and did what all good Canadians do.... and played some hockey!!! well attempt to ! ha i love skating... but put a stick in my hand and im lost.... A HOCKEY stick... boys!! get your heads outta the gutter

Lee bought me this top for my bday.... love herrrrrrr!!!!

its like i can free boob- but in a classier way

alright-- its tea time!!!
Thanks so much to every one whos already shown me so much love!!!

Love always,

Rubix** xox
hockey's back! yay! 
