Winter has officially hit montreal! all i want now is SNOW! cause this dry bitter cold is bringing me down! i want to build a snowman if its going to be this cold!
new bra!

so first i must say- Thank you so much for the birthday wishes and gifts!!! you guys rawk!!! so far 27 is treating me pretty good-I finally got a job- a real job- not on contract-kind-a-job!!!! i signed the papers last week- ive been saying its a christmas miracle!! haha ive been working in radio for almost 6 years now- and ive always been on contracts! so this is good! no more $$ issues. the ONLY thing is- ill be in accounting *yawn* but i just see this as a step to bigger and better things.... so look out! ha!
so in other news- my mum, sister and i decided to sell our christmas cookies this year- since every year we make so many- why not sell a few.... well we ended up selling 3000 cookies!
i know! so every weekend since the beginning of november i have been baking at my mums house! so i do apologize for my lack of blogs- but i have been up to my eye balls in cookies!!! ill get pics soon of the baskets we sold- so cute! we didnt make LOTS off of it- but next year we will fix all of our mistakes!!!
so ya- yay cookies!

what else... my whole family from all over are coming to mtl for the holidays- so starting friday this week ill have my 2 cousins saying here- they are 21 girl and 23 boy- so i packed my house with fruit loops and poutine sauce!
im looking forward to the Everything to do with Sex Show in January! last year was something else!!
come and see us at Place Bonaventure January 20, 21, 22 !!!
its my first christmas in my apartment.... so i got to get all new stuff!!! ive been busy decorating!
this is my tree- its not done yet- need to get more ribbon tomorrow!

my cat LOVES it.... a little too much actually!!
well speaking of tree- i gotta go wrap some presents!
I wanna wish you all Very Happy Holidays to you a yours!!!
Love always,

Rubix** xoxox
new bra!

so first i must say- Thank you so much for the birthday wishes and gifts!!! you guys rawk!!! so far 27 is treating me pretty good-I finally got a job- a real job- not on contract-kind-a-job!!!! i signed the papers last week- ive been saying its a christmas miracle!! haha ive been working in radio for almost 6 years now- and ive always been on contracts! so this is good! no more $$ issues. the ONLY thing is- ill be in accounting *yawn* but i just see this as a step to bigger and better things.... so look out! ha!
so in other news- my mum, sister and i decided to sell our christmas cookies this year- since every year we make so many- why not sell a few.... well we ended up selling 3000 cookies!

what else... my whole family from all over are coming to mtl for the holidays- so starting friday this week ill have my 2 cousins saying here- they are 21 girl and 23 boy- so i packed my house with fruit loops and poutine sauce!
im looking forward to the Everything to do with Sex Show in January! last year was something else!!

its my first christmas in my apartment.... so i got to get all new stuff!!! ive been busy decorating!
this is my tree- its not done yet- need to get more ribbon tomorrow!

my cat LOVES it.... a little too much actually!!
well speaking of tree- i gotta go wrap some presents!
I wanna wish you all Very Happy Holidays to you a yours!!!
Love always,

Rubix** xoxox
were gre4at....Happy belated
Birthday.....xoxo mhef