here i am!!
and im all ready for summer! Lee got me this killer dress... who knew i liked yellow
it makes my bum look fantastic...
and my favorite thing about it.... i get to free boob with it!!
ok so where the hell have i been you ask....
well after about 7 months of hard work- we got the pin ball machine up and running... its amazing!
we hand painted the entire palying field... restoring takes a long-ass time!
i suck at pinball ive discovered... but i play everyday- so i figure- ive just gotta get better
i went snowboarding last weekend.... for the last time of the season... its always bitter sweet....
work has been SUPER stressful- i didnt know Easter in radio is as huge as Christmas.... every car company on the planet wanted to be on air..... lets just say ive been enjoying these past few days off!
the weather in montreal has been incredible... it felt like i went from down-filled winter coat to short-shorts in a matter of days..... but im not complaining!! i went to the top of the mountain for the first time yesterday and it was amazing- god i love biking in this city!
so its been about 10 weeks that Lee and i have been taking Pole Dancing classes.... and i gotta say... im in love... i love the physical challange... its total upper body strength... ive been working out everyday... and i forgot how good it feels to be fit
i dont want the classes to ever end
what else..... oh me getting naked... yes.... i am planning on shooting a new set in april / may.... so ill keep you guys posted... ive been trying to grow out all my shaved parts on my head and its taking forever!! so stay tuned!
Love always,

and im all ready for summer! Lee got me this killer dress... who knew i liked yellow

it makes my bum look fantastic...

and my favorite thing about it.... i get to free boob with it!!

ok so where the hell have i been you ask....
well after about 7 months of hard work- we got the pin ball machine up and running... its amazing!

we hand painted the entire palying field... restoring takes a long-ass time!

i suck at pinball ive discovered... but i play everyday- so i figure- ive just gotta get better

i went snowboarding last weekend.... for the last time of the season... its always bitter sweet....
work has been SUPER stressful- i didnt know Easter in radio is as huge as Christmas.... every car company on the planet wanted to be on air..... lets just say ive been enjoying these past few days off!

the weather in montreal has been incredible... it felt like i went from down-filled winter coat to short-shorts in a matter of days..... but im not complaining!! i went to the top of the mountain for the first time yesterday and it was amazing- god i love biking in this city!
so its been about 10 weeks that Lee and i have been taking Pole Dancing classes.... and i gotta say... im in love... i love the physical challange... its total upper body strength... ive been working out everyday... and i forgot how good it feels to be fit

what else..... oh me getting naked... yes.... i am planning on shooting a new set in april / may.... so ill keep you guys posted... ive been trying to grow out all my shaved parts on my head and its taking forever!! so stay tuned!
Love always,


It's been a while since I heard from you. I trust all is well.
wow, the machine looks awesome!