Tuesday wooday......or something
Well it is tues and in about 3 hours we start our drive to Talahassee to go see Steriogram......see hot boys make you do dumb 4 hour drives.
But it should be cool, and I like to take little mini vacas just to try and deal with the hell that is me.
By the way my puppy is so fucking adorable. She will take all of her little toys and line them up on the arm of the couch, pick them up one by one and have them commit suicide off the couch. Then she will stare at the one on the floor for a min, and do it to the next toy.
It is the funniest thing to watch.
Well everyone have a good day. So far mines pretty damn good.................but it is only 8:14

Well it is tues and in about 3 hours we start our drive to Talahassee to go see Steriogram......see hot boys make you do dumb 4 hour drives.
But it should be cool, and I like to take little mini vacas just to try and deal with the hell that is me.
By the way my puppy is so fucking adorable. She will take all of her little toys and line them up on the arm of the couch, pick them up one by one and have them commit suicide off the couch. Then she will stare at the one on the floor for a min, and do it to the next toy.
It is the funniest thing to watch.
Well everyone have a good day. So far mines pretty damn good.................but it is only 8:14
Hope you're having fun at the Steriogram show.

I love the puppies.