I am so fucking sick.
I get really bad throat issues a few times a year.
I guess 6 months without nothing wrong I was just asking for it.
So I either have strep once again, or tonsilits. I may go to the Dr tomarrow just to get it over with.
But if its the latter I am about 99.9% sure I will have to get these tonsils out.
They should have just done it when I was little I swear I would have a lot less issues now.
Oh and issue # 2
I have noone to put anything on my tat now that Macie went home for the week.
I can only reach the top of her I cant even get half way down.
So unless I get another arm thats like a gogo gadget arm or someone helps out with my lotioning, I will have to rig something up.
Who knows what.
Ok this is way to much energy.
Sleepy time now.
I am so fucking sick.
I get really bad throat issues a few times a year.
I guess 6 months without nothing wrong I was just asking for it.
So I either have strep once again, or tonsilits. I may go to the Dr tomarrow just to get it over with.
But if its the latter I am about 99.9% sure I will have to get these tonsils out.
They should have just done it when I was little I swear I would have a lot less issues now.
Oh and issue # 2
I have noone to put anything on my tat now that Macie went home for the week.
I can only reach the top of her I cant even get half way down.
So unless I get another arm thats like a gogo gadget arm or someone helps out with my lotioning, I will have to rig something up.
Who knows what.
Ok this is way to much energy.
Sleepy time now.
I have really bad throat problems and have had them ever since I was a small child. I used to get toncilitis every month or so, no joke. For abt 8 years I would get it almost once a month. mY GRANDPARENTS would *always* ask the doctor to take tjhem out for me, and the doctor would asnwer with "we dont do that anymore because the toncils are part of your immune system". and they were very confused abt that, since the toncils obviously caused me a lot more pain than anything else. Once that doctor got fired, we started seeing A NEW doc, and when we came in with toncilitis for the millionth time, we asked him if he could take my toncils out. His reply was "well, we normally would .. but we dont take toncils out when you're this old, we only do it to children". WTF!!!
So yeah, I still have my tonicls. and yes .... I still get tonbcilitis and strep throat. just not every month, but its still annoying as hell!
Hahaha...poor girl! You need to just say fuck it, and roll around in a big tub of some A&D oinment for a while...