Funny how such a painful argh can bring about such good thoughts. But I will digress to taht later.
Right now I am too excited, I found him I found him..........and no not the man of my dreams, already found him, no no Mason.
The tattoo artist of my dreams.
I love that man.
He did Macies Sally tat, and my ankle star, but he left the place that he used to work at.
So we thought we lost him.
Well out of a pure sugestion by 2 girls at my work they wanted me to go to a tat place in town that I would not have waked into anyother way.
So since Nico was really the reason I did not get my tat done yesterday, I went to the friends referal. I walk in thinking I am going to show a random dude my pinup girl devil and angel and hear then say yeah whatever can do that I was greeted with Mason and the honest to god truth what he thought about it.
He has now given me homework and after I find like 40 pics I like we will work from there.
This man I think just makes more work for himself.
But man is he worth the extra $.
And it doesnt hurt that hes flipping hot.
So now my girls wait........just until we find a different pose so they dont have to be like the size of my back.
Anyone know of any good pinup girl sites?
Funny how such a painful argh can bring about such good thoughts. But I will digress to taht later.
Right now I am too excited, I found him I found him..........and no not the man of my dreams, already found him, no no Mason.
The tattoo artist of my dreams.
I love that man.
He did Macies Sally tat, and my ankle star, but he left the place that he used to work at.
So we thought we lost him.
Well out of a pure sugestion by 2 girls at my work they wanted me to go to a tat place in town that I would not have waked into anyother way.
So since Nico was really the reason I did not get my tat done yesterday, I went to the friends referal. I walk in thinking I am going to show a random dude my pinup girl devil and angel and hear then say yeah whatever can do that I was greeted with Mason and the honest to god truth what he thought about it.
He has now given me homework and after I find like 40 pics I like we will work from there.
This man I think just makes more work for himself.
But man is he worth the extra $.
And it doesnt hurt that hes flipping hot.
So now my girls wait........just until we find a different pose so they dont have to be like the size of my back.
Anyone know of any good pinup girl sites?
thanks hun 

ok this isnt a website.. but look on book sites for the book called 1000 pin up irls. I have itand its a history of like every pin up girl from the 50s up.. and its not jsut one artist or anything.. its a really rad book and a pretty important one for tattooists or just pin up irl lovers. It has sections in it too of like whole pin up girl stories.. like 10 poses of the same pin up girl making almost like a short comic withought words. its really a rad book...