I will pimp a bit now and a lot more closer to the show.
SO to get this out of the way........
Ok and please go, Ill give you a cookie or something, I swear Mike thinks I lie about pimping the shit out of him.
Thank You
Another week, not another dollar. My work had the nerve to not give me a raise at our yearly review.
Thats fucking rich, the person that does everyones job since noone knows how to do theirs gets no raise.
They then told me that I am amazing and they feel bad about not giving me a raise so they are doing this 60 mini review and if I am still SOOO wonderful they will probably promote me.
Well they better fucking promote me....I have about 8 more cents till my salary cap. I need a boost to make anything more.
They are such redicilous hippocrites.
Screw them.
Go to the show
SO to get this out of the way........

Ok and please go, Ill give you a cookie or something, I swear Mike thinks I lie about pimping the shit out of him.
Thank You

Another week, not another dollar. My work had the nerve to not give me a raise at our yearly review.
Thats fucking rich, the person that does everyones job since noone knows how to do theirs gets no raise.
They then told me that I am amazing and they feel bad about not giving me a raise so they are doing this 60 mini review and if I am still SOOO wonderful they will probably promote me.
Well they better fucking promote me....I have about 8 more cents till my salary cap. I need a boost to make anything more.
They are such redicilous hippocrites.
Screw them.
Go to the show

On behalf of aspiring musicians everywhere, I thank you. It's so awesome to have friends who put so much of their own time into helping the poeple they love out...and it's a pretty thankless job, on top of it.. But your must be pretty lucky.